Friday, February 1, 2019

Keep To The Truth, 2 Timothy 13

Keep To The Truth

2 Timothy 1:13 What you have heard from me keep as a pattern for sound teaching with faith and love in Christ Jesus.

People believe teachers. They are thought to possess the truth about the subject they teach. Hungry people hang on to every word spoken and it is ingrained into their being. This is why it is crucial for preachers and teachers to have a foundation built on solid doctrine. Paul tells Timothy to not deviate from what he had taught him in order that others may know the truth. What he had learned from Paul was that truth.

K and A, I do not possess all biblical knowledge and wisdom. I read the Word of God knowing it is true and try to relay those truths to you. I believe that what Paul taught them is as relevant today as it was when he taught them to the church in his day. So, when you read these blogs prove them by the scriptures. Know that they are more than an historical accounting, they are life for your being, a pattern for living and eternal life for the future. The Bible is God's Word given so you may know the truths of life. Be careful not to deviate from them that others may see your life and believe and desire to follow Christ.


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