Thursday, February 14, 2019

The Good Athlete Receives The Crown, 2 Timothy 2:5b

The Good Athlete Receives the Crown

2 Timothy 2:5 He does not receive the victors crown unless he competes

This is the third in the series of the good athlete from chapter 2 verse 5. Possibly you noticed that it is the center part of the verse. I chose to do this, because it is sequential in the order of life; One must compete and compete by the rules. If they continue to the end, they will receive the victor’s crown!

The same is true in our spiritual walk. Paul’s athlete comparison can be applied to us. We must first decide to compete – take Christ as Savior, and we must compete by the rules – take Jesus as Lord, and if we remain faithful - stand firm to the end, we shall receive the crown of life!

K and A, I know you have decided to take Christ as your Savior, but you must take him as Lord and follow through until the end if you are to receive the crown of life. My desire is for you to be like Jesus. Whatever he leads you to, do it all for him. Other things that the world puts in your path which detract from or pull you away from the narrow road, I ask you to run from. Satan is real. He wants to get you to walk his way, but that way always leads away from Christ down the road. The love of many will grow cold and the will not continue the race. But you, finish what you have started and you will receive your reward. And, I want to be there when Christ calls you forward and says… well done my good and faithful servant, then places the crown on your head!


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