Wednesday, February 20, 2019

The Gospel Cannot Be Stopped, 2 Timothy 2:9

The Gospel Cannot Be Stopped

2 Timothy 2:9 (8b This is my gospel), (9) for which I am suffering even to the point of being chained like a criminal. But, the word of God is not chained.

Paul proclaimed the gospel of Jesus Christ, and for this he was arrested. He was not a threat to others but at times during the appeal process, he was chained up like a violent criminal. Despite this Paul knew one thing; you can silence the messenger but you cannot silence the message of the gospel! Even during house arrest, Paul was able to encourage those he had ministered too. And now, while in a Roman dungeon, the message of the gospel was going forward and lives were being changed. Spiritual leaders whom Paul had trained were continuing to preach the word. God's Word could not be stopped!

K and A, there are two messages on the front stained glass window at our church at Saville. Thou hast the words of life eternal and Preach The Word. This is a call, not only to those who preach there, but to all of us, to you. You are called to keep the gospel alive. You are to preach the word though your life and through your relationships to others. Tell them the good news of Christ Jesus, so they too can live the gospel in their lives as well. If you do your part... the Gospel will not be stopped!


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