Monday, February 29, 2016

His Great Love, I John 3:1

February 29, 2016

I John 3:1... How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the children of God. And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him...

The children of God, that is what we are. What a privilege that is. Why should he make it possible for us to be part of his family? We have no right to even ask for that to happen. He is so magnificent and far above us, yet he wanted me, he wanted you! The God of the universe, the Creator of all chose us to be his children.

There is no better family to be adopted into. No better father could anyone have. Some people wait for a long lost uncle to die so they can receive a great inheritance. Seems silly when you compare that fictitious guy to the Protector and Ruler of the universe. Could we receive any greater inheritance from the one who owns it all? He must surely love us to include us in his family!

K and A, you two (too) are love by God. There are requirements for us to become his children but he has made it possible and you have agreed to his demands. Yes demand, they are called commandments not suggestions. Not many follow the Ten Commandments, Really, the church should call them the Nine Commandments. There are many more besides the Ten. But we can sum them all up in two phrases, Love the Lord your God with all you heart, and Love your neighbor as yourself. Easily said, but what does it mean to do that? Well that is why we have the Bible, Through the examples of Israel and the Apostles and Jesus himself, we can know what it means to love him.

Daughters, God loved you so much he made a way for you to be his children. And you are his! I want you to love him so much that you remain his. That means with all your heart, mind, body, and soul. That is a lot of loving, but you can do it!


Sunday, February 28, 2016

Do Right, I John 2:29

February 28, 2016

I John 2:29... If you know that he is righteous, you know that everyone who does what is right has born of him...

A simple definition for righteous is living right. We can also say, it is moral living or living without sin. The "he" in this verse refers to Christ, and it is easy for us to say that he was righteous. We know that he lived a life free from sin. The Bible says it this way, he was "tempted in every way, just as we are - yet he did not sin." (He. 4:15) Jesus knows the draw of sin on our lives. He understands the tug placed on out hearts when temptation comes. Instead of caving to it, he withstood the attacks of the enemy never to be overtaken by the arrows of sin.

You might say, "That's not fair, he is God, holy and pure, he couldn't sin." In his humanity, he could have. But, he chose to live in the holiness of his Godhood. It is no different with us. If we live in our humanity, we will fall when Satan, our enemy, attacks. But if we live in the Spirit, which we have been given access to at the time of our conversion, we will be able to stand. Now, standing doesn't mean being still. It refers to holding firm in faith, because we live in the Spirit. And since we can hold firm, we are able to keep from sinning and are able to fulfill his way for us to live.

A and K, there are two sides to an equation. It is not just good enough to be saved, you must also walk with him. It is not good enough to do good works, even though Ephesians say we have been created to do good works, you must stop sinning as well. Daughters, it appears that most people who call themselves Christians today try to add Christ to their sinful lives in an attempt to equalize their sin. This is wrong. we are not trying to balance our lives. That would be zero. We would end up with nothing. No, we stop sinning and start living for the Lord. That is what "doing what is right" means, stopping the one and living the other. Jesus lived this kind of life. Live like Jesus with the aid of the Spirit and others will know you belong to him.


Saturday, February 27, 2016

The Spirit Will Confirm It, I John 2:27

February 27, 2016

I John 2:27... As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things, and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit - just as it has taught you, remain in him...

Don't be confused. John is not saying that since we are Christians, we do not need to be taught anything. If that was the case, he would not be writing a book on how to live a Christian life. Rather, I believe he is saying that we can confirm whether someone's words to us are true if we have and rely on the Spirit of God to confirm his Word. What I want to stress with this verse are these two things: 1, We can fall away from Christ. People can confuse us and lead us astray if we do not stick to the sound teachings we have received. And 2, we can confirm what others teach by the Holy Spirit and through the Word.

Daughters, God has forgiven your sin and given you new life. I have taught you sound instruction through the exegesis of many scriptures and life experiences. Hang on to the truth of my teachings. When someone tells you something different, you can prove the truth of their words if you have your heart "set on what the Spirit desires" (Ro. 8:6). You will be able to thwart the attack of the enemy and choose life. If you rely on the flesh, as it says in Romans, you will fall. A & K, be so close to the Spirit that you can listen to him and discern what is true and so you will not fall. Then you will remain in Christ where there is life and peace.


Keep It, I John 2:24

February 26, 2016 on 02-27-16

I John 2:24... See that what you have heard from the beginning remains in you. If it does, you will also remain in the Son and in the Father...

John is asking his readers to keep to the truth of the Word, specifically to the words of the apostles. It is important to remember that an apostle is one who heard Jesus personally and could attest to the truth spoken by the Master. We can include with this the Old Testament since the apostles spoke of how the scriptures were "God breathed" and what as written "happened to them for our benefit".  So we study both the Old and New Testament knowing they not only define truth but give us the directions on finding forgiveness of sins and show us how we should live today.

A and K, I have heard it said that the Bible doesn't give us in details how we should live our lives in every situation, dah, no kidding! How could it. It was written almost 2000 years ago... Should I buy the blue car or the bright yellow one, should I go to the rave party or is that worldly? Is that a good movie to see? They didn't even have those things. Does this mean the Bible isn't relevant to your life, today. No, it is very relevant. And, it is a wise thing to learn from those who have already "been there, done that" in righteousness. I ask you to keep what I have taught you about spiritual living. It will help you to apply the Biblical principles of the Word to life today. It will help you "remain in the Son and in the Father".

Daughters, the church today has left the principles it has held dear. Grandpa is right in quoting II Ch.7:14... If my people would repent, turning from their wicked ways, I would forgive them... Remain in the Son and in the Father by living out the Word. If you keep the truth, you will gain the promise for all who do, Eternal Life!


Thursday, February 25, 2016

Antichrists Deny the Truth, I John 2:22

February 25, 2016

I John 2:22... Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a man is the antichrist - he denies the Father and the Son...

When we think of the antichrist, we may think of the end times. He is the man, or entity, that will take control of the whole world to save us all from destruction. People will flock to him, because they have been searching for someone to save them from all the pain and suffering caused by the evil in the world. Little do they know that he is evil in the flesh. But there are many antichrists long before this one arrives.

An antichrist is anyone who stands against Christ and his commands. They are the ones who deny his ways as truth. They also stand against the Father and the commands he has given. They deny the truth,saying things like, "that was a cultural practice and not needed today." "We are much more enlightened today." "We need to be more open to the truth today. "We need to be more loving and receptive of other thoughts." We don't own all the truth." "There are many ways to God." Why is the antichrist a liar? Because, his father is a liar. Satan is called the father of lies, for all lies originate from him. But we are different. We are to be children of God, and through him we know truth, for he is the father of truth and life. We must not allow any lie to come from our lips for they originate from Satan and a heart directed by him.

Daughters, you must not deny the truth. Rather, you must proclaim what is right. Proclaim the ways of the Father and of his Son Jesus. And, live it out, so you do not become an antichrist, denying the what God has declared as true. But, how can you live what is right and proclaim it if you do not know what it is? Read and study the word. See what it says. Take it as truth, not as something to be twisted out of today's life and culture. Satan uses the world and its churches to instill lies. He uses things like children's programs and movies, popular music and videos, You Tube and Facebook.. he'll use anything to get us to deny who Christ is and to keep us from obeying him.

A and K, the Bible says to be as wise as serpents. The closer you are to the Word of God, the easier it is for you to see through Satan's lies. This will keep you from denying him in your life. Live for what is right... Live for the Lord.


Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Forever Together, I John 2:17

February 24, 2016

I John 2:17... The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever...

"Together Forever" a song from the eighties made number one on the charts... I know, who cares. Well a lot of engaged people swoon at the thought. They daydream over such a wonder time, two lovers, never to part! And soon they will be married, together forever. <3 <3

That is the same feeling we should have when anticipating the time that lies ahead for the Christian. There is coming a day for those "who do the will of God" when they will live together with the one they love - Jesus Christ. There is a marriage ceremony coming; the marriage of the Lamb with his bride, the church. We, as Christians, are engaged to Christ. We are to keep our fidelity to him by purifying our lives from the world and becoming wholly his. We are then are holy people. There is to be a feeling that comes with the knowledge of that truth. It is a heart melting emotion that engages our whole being.

K, I know that you have experienced the feeling that comes with being engaged. The desire to hang on to and never let go of the man you love. A, although you may have felt a little of that over some person you considered, if it is the Lord's will, you will on day experience it in ts fullness. Girls, what I have described is a great feeling, but it pales to the feeling that comes from wholly knowing Christ. If you have not experienced it, and few Christians do, then desire it and love him in such a way that you alter the things you do in life so you gain that feeling. Then when the wedding day comes, you will be the perfect bride.


Tuesday, February 23, 2016

One of Us?, I John 2:19

February 23, 2016

I John 2:19... They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For, if they belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us...

This section of John's epistle describes antichrists, those within the church who deny Christ or the Father. To deny doesn't mean that they do not exist or that they never existed, rather they deny their fullness, their holiness, the completeness of who they are. They may say they are god but not supreme. They may agree that they are kind, forgiving, or loving but not to be feared. They might say they are never changing but alter their commands to fit the culture, the world they live in. One thing we see about antichrists, when they are challenged, they turn and run. They leave saying things like, those people are legalistic, I felt so restricted there - you couldn't have any fun in that church, every thing I wanted to do they said was wrong, so they ran away to infiltrate somewhere else.

A and K, be careful of those that change the Word to fit the world. Be careful of those who say, yeah that is what the scripture says but here is what it means for us today. Is God really the same yesterday, today, and forever. Yes, it says so in Hebrews 13. ( I put the verses at the end... so good to read!) We can count on the Word of God not to change with the fads or movements of the culture. Homosexuals, drunkards, adulterers, all liars, those who hate... they are headed for the lake of fire.

Ladies, don't follow today's worldly church. They run after what is trending. They change their dress, music, actions, speech and their life to keep current, so they fit in. Jesus called us to be different, so don't live like the world. Rather leave the others run away to chase after the world. They never belonged, but I want you to remain and honor the Father and his Son, for you are one of his!


Hebrews 13: 7 Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. 8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.9 Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings. It is good for our hearts to be strengthened by grace, not by eating ceremonial foods, which is of no benefit to those who do so.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Do Not Love the World, I John 2:15

February 22, 2016

I John 2:15... Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the father is not in him...

Who does this world belong to? Who is its ruler? We find the answer in John 14:30. Satan is called the prince or ruler of this world. He reigns over its people and guides their steps. Now, we know that the ultimate being in control is God, but he has let Satan have dominion over it until an appointed time.

It we follow the "pattern of this world" then we are following Satan. If we love doing the things the world loves to do, then we love the world, or said in a different way, we love Satan. Verse 16 helps us to understand some of what the world loves.

The "cravings of sinful man" is one area the world excels in. There are a lot of cravings; pleasures - partying, clubbing. Things that destroy - killing, breaking things. Things that tear down others - gossiping, lying about or misrepresenting what people say, cheating others, sexual escapades. Escaping reality - alcohol, drugs, sexual trysts. There are other area as well.

Another mentioned is the "lust of the eyes." This is of course, sexual desires, but is also coveting what others have. It may be physical or intellectual and more.

And, the last mentioned is "boasting about what one has or does." "Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall." This is a big problem. I know it is more than just saying, "I'm so proud of you." Pride is a big issue. It gets us into lots of predicaments. We don't want to look silly or foolish or wrong, so we lie about things. We want everyone to respect us, so we pretend to know more than we really do then we can't handle the task we are given.

A and K, keeping oneself from being polluted by the world is a major theme of the Bible. I'd say it is probably in the top five areas of truths of the Bible, yet it is one of the least concerned about values among church goers. There are many things in this world I'd like to pursue, but they are so closely tied to the sinful ways of the world, I must stay away from them. It is not just that I do not want to be contaminated... It is mostly because I will get sucked into the "good" things and soon be following the evil that the "good things" were masking.

Daughters, never see how close you can get to the world without getting stained by it. Stay far enough away that when you help those caught in the world, you keep yourself from being pulled in. I believe this to be Satan's most effective temptation that traps Christians. Read anywhere in the Bible and you can see it is true. There is joy in doing "the will of the Father" and you will find his love with you.


Sunday, February 21, 2016

We Need to Grow Up, I John 2:12-14 (12)

February 21, 2016

I John 2:12... I write to you, dear children, because your sins have been forgiven on account of his name...

We become Christians. Selah - Think about it.............................................     We... each of us. Become... there is a starting point. Christians... followers of Christ, little Christs.

What I write here, I believe to be true. I have not heard others teach it, but it is from what I have learned and have read in the Word. Take it at face value and study for yourself to determine if it is wise counsel.

When we are saved, we become new creatures, born again, purified souls. We are perfect; in one sense like Adam. Adam was new at life, although a grown man, the best we can tell. He didn't know everything. He was sinless and knew nothing of sin. (In that sense we are different) This perfect man sinned against God when his perfect wife led him astray. They desired to be like God, knowing good and evil. They traded perfection in order to experience sin. He learned that it was a foolish choice, because he lost intimacy with God, and so much more. Now he was subject to sin and fought the rest of his very long life to keep from sinning. He caused all mankind to be born in sin.

Jesus came so we might win against sin. When he came to earth as a man, he was a baby. He grew and lived a life free from sin. Never once did he sin. He knew what sin was, yet as a human, he never sinned. Although, he was tempted like us, he knew not sin. He was killed as a sacrifice for our sin, so we could be made perfect and freed not only from the penalty of sin but from sinning itself.

We became like Adam. We might be young or old in age, but we were baby Christians. We must grow and become strong young men, then we must mature further and "know" him, the Father, in all his glory. Being careful along the way is a must for perfection doesn't mean we cannot fall away. We, different from Adam but like Christ, know sin. We lived it and must learn to forsake it. If we live in Adam's strength... we will fall. If we live in Christ's strength, we will stand. Or said like the Bible says it... If we live according to the flesh, we sill satisfy the flesh. But, if we live according to the Spirit, we will satisfy the Spirit. It is our choice.

A and K, Live to satisfy the Spirit. You are relatively young Christians, yet you are moving into adulthood. This is true physically as well. So you are at a crucial point in life. At one point, every aspect of your life was determined for you. K, since you haven't been my daughter long, you began to make personal choices earlier than A. You have told me that some were not so wise in the past, both physically and spiritually. But from these you can grow. As you continue to get older, both in the faith and physically, grow up! I see so many at work who have gotten older but have never grown up. Be different, it is your choice!

Daughters, I write to you so "the word of God lives in you." I want you to "be strong" and "overcome the evil one," (vs. 14) growing up in the Lord.


Christians Do Not Hate Others, I John 2:9

February 20, 2016 on 02-21-16

I John 2:9... Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates his brother is still in darkness...

From verse 7 through verse 11, this point is made clear: you cannot say you are a Christian and at the same time hate your brother. There is a very good chance that this refers to your sister as well. Now this is talking about a spiritual relationship, but it can certainly be expanded to loving all Christians. And then we can take move to the physical realm on family. Do you love your mother and father, how about the cousin that is a pain, or a aunt or uncle or some other distant relative. Continuing on from there, we wonder about the neighbor or co-worker or boss... Do you love them; do you have to love them... Okay, lets say we need to love them, but how about those that don't love you, like an enemy or an enemy of the country like those in ISIS, or rapists or mass murderers...

Daughters, the Bible calls us to love everyone. There is no one that Jesus doesn't love. Could you imagine needing to be a certain way before Jesus loves you. Would you have a chance in making it? No! You would be without hope. A and K, Jesus loves everyone and calls us to love everyone too. If you are his, then you will walk as Jesus did and you will love all people, nice or not, good or bad, the murderer, the rapist, the cross boss, the hurt friend. You must love everyone. So ladies, is there someone that you despise; love them. As you do, you may be given the ultimate task of sharing your love by giving them Jesus. Walk in the light and love others.


How Do I Know I Love Jesus? I John 2:3

February 19, 2016 on 02-21-16

I John 2:3... We know that we have come to know him if we obey his commands...

 How do we tell if we truly trust Christ? What are the signs of a true Christian? What is it to know Him?

This verse shows us one of the "requirements" in being a Christian. Those of us who are Christians will obey what Christ told us to do. We will not be satisfied to just have our hearts cleansed, to be forgiven of sins. It takes more than just believing who Jesus is. Being a Christian requires that we live in certain ways. There are things that we do and things that we do not do. If we truly know Christ we will obey his commands.

We can swap out the word "know" with other words... If we truly "love" him... If we truly "are a Christian"... If we truly "believe in" him... To "know" Christ is to follow him! Verse 6 of this chapter says it this way. If we claim that we live in Him, we must walk as Jesus did.

K and A, you both say you are Christians. Do you walk like Jesus? Can anyone see that your ways are different from others around you? Do you obey the commands of Christ which show you the way to live your life. It is obvious that the scriptures cannot tell you how to act in every circumstance. Should you stop on a dark back secluded road, alone in your boyfriend's car. The Bible doesn't say! Or does it... You can find truths in the Word where Jesus will show you what to do. His Holy Spirit will guide you according to those basic truths found in the Word, which you can apply to any situation you are in. Live like Jesus and obey his commands found in the Bible. Not only will others know that you know him but you will be sure as well.


Friday, February 19, 2016

Oh no, I Sinned against God, I John 2:1b

February 18, 2016 on  02-19-16

I John 2:1b... But if anybody does sin, we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense...

This is a continuation of yesterday's verse. John said it is important to know that a Christian is to stop sinning. But what if we do? If we sin against God, we have an advocate, Jesus Christ who will go to the Father on our behalf and plead our case before him, so God will not hold it against us. What about those who continue sinning against God? John talks about this in a later part of his letter. For now, let's just say it is not a good sign for the one who does.

Why do we need an advocate... we are to weak and too lowly to do it ourselves, besides we have no credibility. We need someone who can help the Father see that we will do what is right next time, yes it is like a court of law. God the Judge is ready to pronounce a sentence against us, but Jesus steps in and says... "I died for him. they may have failed, but I am willing to suffer death again for them because I know they want to do right even if they are weak human. I will help them live right. Our Spirit will tell remind them of what they need to do. Put their punishment on me."

Ladies, sinning against God is not a minor matter. Someone has to pay the price. Hebrews says that if you fall into sin and return, it is like crucifying him all over again. Jesus stands before God when you sin and takes the abuse for you, so you may live. Be thankful Jesus is willing to help keep you from sinning and will stand up for you when you fail. But know that it cost him to do so. Daughters, determine in your heart not to sin.


You Don't Have to Sin, I John 2:1a

February 17, 2016 on 02-19-16

I John 2:1a... My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin...

We talked yesterday about how many Christians believe that sinning is something Christians do everyday, and they cannot help it. It is part of their fallen, carnal nature, and until they get to heaven, they will always be sinning. I have heard it said, from Lutheran and Reformed ministers that, "we sin in word, thought , and deed every day." A pastor of ours, who had a Lutheran background, stated after saying the phrase... "I can't go a minute without sinning." How sad!

In today's verse John takes exception to this teaching. He said in chapter one, the verse that many like to quote... "if we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves." But He didn't stop there. He continued and said that Christ came to forgive us and to purify us from all unrighteous, not just some, or a little. You have all sinned, he said, so you all need Jesus. You need to be cleansed. I tell you this so you will not sin anymore! Do we really believe this? People like to quote I John 1:9, but who lives it today?

A and K, our churches don't teach this concept very often if at all.  It part of Wesleyan holiness theology. But when have you heard this preached? Have you ever heard it taught in Sunday school? My prayer is for you to live this in your life. When God reveals a sin in your life, he will provide forgiveness and purification from it... but only if you believe or if you have faith, which is congruent to belief. No excuses, the devil may have made you do it (an old saying), but Christ can keep you from doing it. John wanted you to know this. That is why he wrote this book. I want you to know it too... It is the true sign of a Christian. Let him purify you.


Thursday, February 18, 2016

Walk in the Light, I John 1:7

February 16, 2016 on 02-18-16

I John 1:7... But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with the one another, and the blood of Jesus, his son, purifies us from all sin...

"Nothing but faith, that's how you become a Christian, It is by faith and faith alone!" This is the mantra by so many in today's churches. It has been this way for a long. Since Luther wrote the Augsburg Confession in the 1500's, "faith alone" has defined the protestant movement. In the Piety and Anabaptist movements, Wesleyan and Brethren in Christ, the understanding of verse 7 is lived out through obedience. Unfortunately, this is being lost in many their churches. This teaching brings with it another doctrine, that of predestination of the reformed. What we are left with causes the hypocrisy that we see in the church today.

So the mindset we find in Christianity is this; Our salvation is by faith only, we need not worry about what we do. Sinning cannot be avoided, it is part of the life of a believer. We must have faith that God will accept us because we believe in Jesus. We try to obey, but we all have our sins. Just make sure you accept him and nothing will ever take you out of his hand. You can lie, cheat, have sex, swear, party, get drunk... it doesn't matter because you have accepted Jesus by faith. But this is false teaching!

K and A, I pray that you walk in the light. If you work for your salvation, thinking a set of rules will save you, you'll never make it to heaven. It is the blood of Jesus that saves you. But don't think for a moment that God doesn't have rules and a way for you to live. Paul said the Law doesn't save, but it does show you what sin is. Trying to do right doesn't give you the power to live it, the Spirit does and you can only get the Spirit if the blood has cleansed you. This verse says that the blood purifies us if we walk in the light as Jesus does.


Monday, February 15, 2016

Complete Joy, I John 1:4

February 15, 2016

I John 1:4... We write this to make our joy complete...

I find this verse a little odd. We usually think of the Scriptures as writings by people inspired by God to give us warnings or hope and encouragement or direction. Here we find that the author, the apostle John, wrote the book so he might be complete in joy. What was he writing about? John was proclaiming Jesus, the Word of life and about eternal life. He saw Jesus, he touched him, he heard him speak. John wants share what he experienced so we can have fellowship with him; God and his Son, Jesus Christ and with other believers. John know that when he does this, his joy will be complete.

A and K, we all like to be happy. We want our lives full of joy. Sadness is depressing. It tears at our heart and being and drives us inward and forces us to be all alone. You do not need to be all alone. You can find true Joy. It is found in knowing God and his Son, Jesus Christ. As we go through John's letters, I pray that you might find joy in knowing Jesus. But remember, full joy comes when you share Jesus with others. It comes as you have fellowship with these new believers. Open your will and find that joy!


Here is What's Next

Hello daughters,

I decided to work through the letters of John. My plan is to use the section headings created by the NIV picking one verse and expounding on it. Always keep in mind that you can give input or ask questions at any time.


Sunday, February 14, 2016

Philemon Verse 12

February 14, 2016

Philemon Verse 12... I am sending him - who is my very heart - back to you...

Let me first say that I plan on taking this verse way out of context, but the thought still applies and is trustworthy... We all have things close to our heart. It would be wrong not to share them in some way with others, especially with those in need. When we share what is dear to us we show love. Since God is love we share God with others. The secular world shares God's love, certainly we must share as well. We must not horde the things we love, rather we must share them. Do we really love the Lord?

A and K, do you share Christ with others? How much do you love him? I know sharing takes on many forms, I am no Uncle J. He talks to anyone about anything. But that does not mean I don't love God, nor does it mean I don't share Christ. I have learned over the years that it is easier to share him than I thought. I was scared. I am not sure what I was (or am sometimes) scared of. I still don't talk to others about much, but I have learned that the people I meet each day are people God has placed in my life to minister to. It may be a smile. It may be a how can get to know God today. When I began to be willing to help in what ever way he made sharing what or who I love much easier.

Daughters, share what you love. Share Christ.


Philemon Verse 7

February 13, 2016 on 02-14-2016

Philemon Verse 7... Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the saints...

Valentine's day is tomorrow (really it is today since I'm late in writing it), and what a perfect phrase for your "cowboy" (or girl); your love has given me great joy! We all want to feel loved. To not feel loved is to feel alone and discarded, not worth anything. We want someone to hang on to, someone we can count on to be there for us in both good and bad times. We desire someone we can share our deepest thoughts and joys, revealing our struggles and our happiness. We desire love.

But love has many forms. In church circles there is much, an in my opinion too much, emphasis place on "agape" love. The Bible has gives at least 5 examples of different types of love. The love mentioned here is a love between a mentor and his student. Paul not only senses the love Philemon to him but the love he has for people... for Christians in particular.

Daughters, you desire to be loved. I hope you sense love from those close to you and that it gives you joy and encouragement. When thinking about being married you must think about more than just the physical love between husband and wife. True this is to give great joy but if you marry someone and that person has no love to other believes or for all people and cares for their spiritual health. Then you married the wrong person. It is good to care for others but we must care from them spiritually. A search for someone who loves others and want them to be refreshed spiritually... K seek to develop your fiance spiritually. All the happiness from the physical love you receive will fade but the joy you get from knowing he is spiritually sound will bring the joy and encouragement you desire. Ladies, seek the fullness of love in the one with whom you want to spend your life. That Biblical love cannot be match in the world. It is found in Christ.


Saturday, February 13, 2016

Philemon Verse 3

February 12, 2016 on 02-13-16

Philemon verse 3... Grace to you and peace from God our father and the Lord Jesus Christ...

Have you ever been disturbed or frustrated and needed a lift? A letter from a friend does just that. Here, Paul commends peace and grace to his friend (commend, Webster's 2nd defn.. to entrust to). He desires that Philemon has a good life, one free of trouble and hardship that harms his soul. He recognizes that the one who delivers peace and grace is God himself. This peace starts with salvation made possible through the death and resurrection of Jesus and is promulgated though our walk with Christ by grace from God. In other words, he gives to us peace even though he has no obligation to do so.

A and K, I desire peace for you. I pray that your heart is right with God, and that each day you ask him to lead and guide you. I also pray that his Spirit will live in you and bring you peace in the middle of troubles or difficult times. Lean on him and you will find him faithful. He will be that "friend that is closer than a brother."


What's Next...

So what shall be next? What book of the Bible can we go over, or should we go random? Let me know if you have a certain book you would like to go over or if you have any ideas. For now I'll just pick randomly. Mother said to pick Philemon.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Psalm 150:2

February 11, 2016 on 02-12-16

Psalm 150:2... Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness...

There is no doubt that we are to praise the Lord. So let us praise him! Praise him in song. Praise him with instrument. Praise him with words. Praise him with actions. Praise him with everything we are and should be! Praise the Lord. But what do we praise him for?

This verse gives the ending of the key thoughts of the book of Psalms... Praise God for his greatness and for the things he does - his acts of power. God is worthy of our praise for he is the Almighty, the All knowing, Everywhere God. He is the I AM!

A and K, This is the end of Psalms, but it is not to be the end of praising him. Here is what I got out of this book; First, God is supreme, well above all that we can think and imagine. I need to thank and praise him for it. I need to do it to him and to others about him. Second, since God is supreme, then I must be obedient to his word, his will , and his way.

I know what that is by reading the laws of the Old Testament which shows us his heart. I know it by understanding the lives of his followers found in the accounts of their lives found through both the Old and New Testament. I know it by seeing what Jesus did and by knowing what he told his followers to do. And I now it by following the pattern set down for us by his apostles. If we do not follow the prescription given to us in the Scriptures we cannot praise him in other ways with honesty and integrity.

You might say one thing is missing. There is... we praise him by yielding to his Spirit. Make sure it is his Spirit speaking to you. There are many spirits.  The Spirit clarifies the Word and the Word confirms the Spirit. They are inseparable.

So daughters, Praise the Lord of heaven and earth. He is worthy of all of you!


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Psalm 149:5

February 10, 2016

Psalm 149:5... Let the saints rejoice in this honor and sing for joy on their beds...

Where do you sing to the Lord? On your bed is a good place. At work, in your car, from the mountain top, in the deepest cave, sing joyous songs to the Lord where you are!

K and A, I know both of you sing. One of you sings out loud before others and one sings silently with them. I have been told her voice has actually been recorded, but I have never seen or heard proof of that. :) I believe Sam has heard you both singing in the shower. It is my prayer you both sing your heart to the Lord. He loves to hear it, and so do I!


Psalm 148:13

February 09, 2016, on 02-10-16

Psalm 148:13... Let them praise the name of the Lord, for his name alone is to be exalted; his splendor is above the earth and the heavens,,,

Praise the name of the Lord. How often do we do that. In many churches, they use "praise" in song for an hour to honor the Lord. Praising God in song is worthy,but what do we do the other other 167 hours of the week? It is necessary to praise him using our voice, but is much more important to praise him through our actions. This psalm says that we praise him because He Is God! There is no one else who is to be exalted. His splendor is far above the earth, it is above the heavens!

So, we praise him for who he is and how great he is. We use more than our mouths... do rocks and hills and the moon or the stars have mouths. No they praise God through who they are. Rocks just sit there... even our presence should be praise for God to others.

A and K, do you praise the Lord. I hope you do it through song, but I also hope you do it in your everyday life. Don't be like today's church who praises him with song and dance and then does the same thing with the world, "for he alone is to be exalted." Praise only the Creator, for he is the one worthy of praise.


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Psalm 147:11

February 08, 2016, finished on 02-09-16

Psalm 147:11... The Lord delights in those that fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love...

There has been a movement of the Church to minimize the need to fear the Lord. In fact many times they have said it is wrong to fear God. That is not what the scripture means... fear doesn't mean fear like being afraid. We must be afraid of what the Lord can and will do to the sinner when the end of their time comes. The lake of fire is real and I hope you fear the one who will send you there if you continue in your sin (Mat 10:28).

Those who say fearing God is wrong quote one verse stating "perfect love casts out fear," (1 Jn 4:18) but there are a myriad other verses that speak of fear God so they use this verse improperly.

 What makes you a sinner and you are in danger of the lake of fire? There are many things but look at these verses and fear for your soul if you are this kind of person. Gal 5:19-21 (sexual immorality, discord, selfish ambition)  1 Cor 6:9 &10 (adulterers, homosexuals, drunkards) Rev 21:8 (the vile, those who practice magic arts, all liars)

A and K, Do you fit into any of these categories? Are you part of the crowd that believes that God is a loving God and since you once asked Christ to forgive you you can sin and it wont matter? Well, the wrath of God is real. He will do what he says. Judgement is coming! But if you fear him and live according to his will, you can rest in his love. You will be fine on the fierce and awesome day!


Sunday, February 7, 2016

Psalm 146:2

February 07, 2016

Psalm 146:2... Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save.

"Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God." (Ps 20:7)

We must not rely on our own strength nor on the strength of others; not intellectually, not physically nor emotionally. Now, it is true that we use technology and the help of others and we need to use our own abilities, but we must never believe that it is on our own strength that we can accomplish great feats. No! It is through the power of the Lord that we achieve such greats heights.

All other things will fail us at some point. Even people fail. Many people suffer when a great church leader falls from grace. Many churches have been destroyed because the leader that they put their trust in failed, and now they lost hope in God. Question is... was there hope really in the Lord or was it in the church leader?

K and A, I know I am your prince charming... okay maybe not. but I am your dad, and I hope you trust me. But I am mortal and sinning is always a choice a person can take. This is true of anyone you know. So put your trust in God. He is the only one that will never fail you. He can save you... from sins you have committed, he can keep you from sinning, and he can protect your heart, your mind, and your body from destruction. Purpose in your heart not to sin. Trust him who can make it possible and he will!


Saturday, February 6, 2016

Psalm 145:4

February 06, 2016

Psalm 145:4... One generation will commend your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts...

When do we tell our children what God expects? How will they learn of his laws and his how he wants us to live it out? Who will tell them? What has God done for us? What are the works of his hands? The next generation learns abut them from the current and previous generations. This includes the Word of God. Although it was inspired by the Holy Spirit, it was written down by men of previous generations.

What will we tell the next generation... this psalm relates God character. Tell of; His glorious splendor, The power of his awesome deeds, Celebrate his abundant goodness, That he is slow to anger and rich in love, How he is good to all, Tell of the glory of his kingdom and his might, How his kingdom endures forever... and more.

Daughters, God is magnificent! He is so grand and awesome! I hope you know that. I hope I made it clear to you and that you never forget how amazing he is. I hope you see me live it out in my life and have purposed to live it out on yours. Tell the next generation. Tell your children. We must let everyone know who he is and what he expects of us. Don't shy away for glorifying him in your life. He is worthy of your praise!


Psalm 144:3

February 05, 2016 on 02-06-16

Psalm 144:3... O Lord, that is man that you care for him, the son of man that you think of him...

The Lord is God. He is over all. He is one God, the only God. God is omnipotent or all powerful. There is no one who can subdue him. His plans cannot be thwarted. God is omniscient or all knowing. He sees what is happening. He knows where you are and what you are doing. God is omnipresent or everywhere. There is no where we can go that he is not already there. He can be I am at the same time his is with you on the other side of the world. He is high above us that we are like nothing! Yet, he loves us and cares for his people.

A and K, we serve an incredible God. He is so great that he shouldn't even associate with us. With his stature and importance, why would he. Grandpa liked to say that the comparison of our relationship to God is like that of us to ants. Ants seem so unimportant and minuscule that they appear worthless. You may feel that way sometimes. But the God of the universe cares for you. He see you and knows you, even had his son die so you might live. Wow, what a great God we serve!


Friday, February 5, 2016

Psalm 143:8

February 4, 2016

Psalm 143:8... Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.

We must never forget that we can trust God to live our lives. Many think that only they should have control on their lives for no one better understands what is best for them then themselves. But that is not true. God created us and he knows best for us. He will guide us to the path he has for us if we desire him and live according to his way. Jesus said he came so that we may have life and have it to the full. (Jn 10:10b)

K and A, trust God for your future. He knows the path you are to take. You can trust him to walk you on it if you walk the path he has already shown you, the good you already know to do and the evil you already know not to do! His unfailing love will lead you so entrust your life to him. It will be full!


Thursday, February 4, 2016

Psalm 142:2

February 03, 2016

Psalm 142:2... I pour out before him my complaint; before him I tell my trouble...

We must go to the Lord  in our times of trouble. He is the one we can count on. Only the Lord knows our trouble and what the solution is. He saw it coming. He knows our struggle. And he knows the way out of the predicament. He promises to be with us and free us from all that holds us back. God is the only one who truly understands, Therefor he is the only one who can fully help us.

A and K, turn to the Lord. Don't be confused. He will not eliminate all your struggles. It is not that you will no longer have hard times in your life. He promises to walk with you and deliver you from all that can harm you spiritually. Tell him all your trouble like David did. Pour out your complaint before him, and he will be close to you. Then, you can have joy in the midst of your trial. He loves you and wants to be close to you. Just ask.


Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Psalm 141:5

February 02, 2016, on 02-20-16

Psalm 141:5...Let a righteous man strike me--that is a kindness; let him rebuke me--that is oil on my head. My head will not refuse it, for my prayer will still be against the deeds of evildoers...

Why would the writer want struck by a righteous man? Surely that is not kindness or is it? Proverbs says rebuke a wise man and he will love you (Pr 9:8). The righteous do not mind being rebuked for what they do wrong. On the contrary, they welcome it. Their desire is to do right and they are pleased when someone shows them their wrong doing, because now they can become even more like Christ. On the other hand, a fool will scoff when others correct him, because he only wants to look good.

K and A, It is easy to tell if you desire God. How do you take the rebuke of others? Jesus says we are to "look over an offense." You are to bless those who curse you. Because this is God's word, and therefor trustworthy, you can count on it being beneficial to one living for Christ.

Daughters, I want you to desire Christ ans his ways. When someone comes to you to correct you or rebuke you as a Christian, welcome it. God will use them to make you more like his son Jesus. Do not throw away what they say, even if it seems crazy. Listen to it and take the truth that God reveals and leave the rest alone. Desires to be true to him and always be willing change any wrong others show you. It is good to walk like Jesus!


Monday, February 1, 2016

Psalm 140:6

February 01, 2016

Psalm 140:6... O Lord, I say to you, "You are my God." Hear, O Lord, my cry for mercy...

We need to cry out to the Lord when we are in need. He is our help and salvation. The Lord is here for us and will aid us when we call out to him. There are many god's people have . They run to them when times get tough. Here are a few... friends, drugs, alcohol, parting, girlfrend/boyfriend,  spo7ce, work, music ,... so many. But only the real God can give true relief and victory over all trials. But if we want him to help us he must be our God. We can't live how we want then call on him in time of need. He is not a spare tire.

Daughters, may the Lord be your Lord. Let him lead your life and live according to his way. Stay close to him for he will strengthen you when you cry for mercy.
