Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Psalm 147:11

February 08, 2016, finished on 02-09-16

Psalm 147:11... The Lord delights in those that fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love...

There has been a movement of the Church to minimize the need to fear the Lord. In fact many times they have said it is wrong to fear God. That is not what the scripture means... fear doesn't mean fear like being afraid. We must be afraid of what the Lord can and will do to the sinner when the end of their time comes. The lake of fire is real and I hope you fear the one who will send you there if you continue in your sin (Mat 10:28).

Those who say fearing God is wrong quote one verse stating "perfect love casts out fear," (1 Jn 4:18) but there are a myriad other verses that speak of fear God so they use this verse improperly.

 What makes you a sinner and you are in danger of the lake of fire? There are many things but look at these verses and fear for your soul if you are this kind of person. Gal 5:19-21 (sexual immorality, discord, selfish ambition)  1 Cor 6:9 &10 (adulterers, homosexuals, drunkards) Rev 21:8 (the vile, those who practice magic arts, all liars)

A and K, Do you fit into any of these categories? Are you part of the crowd that believes that God is a loving God and since you once asked Christ to forgive you you can sin and it wont matter? Well, the wrath of God is real. He will do what he says. Judgement is coming! But if you fear him and live according to his will, you can rest in his love. You will be fine on the fierce and awesome day!


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