Thursday, February 4, 2016

Psalm 142:2

February 03, 2016

Psalm 142:2... I pour out before him my complaint; before him I tell my trouble...

We must go to the Lord  in our times of trouble. He is the one we can count on. Only the Lord knows our trouble and what the solution is. He saw it coming. He knows our struggle. And he knows the way out of the predicament. He promises to be with us and free us from all that holds us back. God is the only one who truly understands, Therefor he is the only one who can fully help us.

A and K, turn to the Lord. Don't be confused. He will not eliminate all your struggles. It is not that you will no longer have hard times in your life. He promises to walk with you and deliver you from all that can harm you spiritually. Tell him all your trouble like David did. Pour out your complaint before him, and he will be close to you. Then, you can have joy in the midst of your trial. He loves you and wants to be close to you. Just ask.


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