Friday, February 19, 2016

You Don't Have to Sin, I John 2:1a

February 17, 2016 on 02-19-16

I John 2:1a... My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin...

We talked yesterday about how many Christians believe that sinning is something Christians do everyday, and they cannot help it. It is part of their fallen, carnal nature, and until they get to heaven, they will always be sinning. I have heard it said, from Lutheran and Reformed ministers that, "we sin in word, thought , and deed every day." A pastor of ours, who had a Lutheran background, stated after saying the phrase... "I can't go a minute without sinning." How sad!

In today's verse John takes exception to this teaching. He said in chapter one, the verse that many like to quote... "if we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves." But He didn't stop there. He continued and said that Christ came to forgive us and to purify us from all unrighteous, not just some, or a little. You have all sinned, he said, so you all need Jesus. You need to be cleansed. I tell you this so you will not sin anymore! Do we really believe this? People like to quote I John 1:9, but who lives it today?

A and K, our churches don't teach this concept very often if at all.  It part of Wesleyan holiness theology. But when have you heard this preached? Have you ever heard it taught in Sunday school? My prayer is for you to live this in your life. When God reveals a sin in your life, he will provide forgiveness and purification from it... but only if you believe or if you have faith, which is congruent to belief. No excuses, the devil may have made you do it (an old saying), but Christ can keep you from doing it. John wanted you to know this. That is why he wrote this book. I want you to know it too... It is the true sign of a Christian. Let him purify you.


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