Saturday, February 27, 2016

Keep It, I John 2:24

February 26, 2016 on 02-27-16

I John 2:24... See that what you have heard from the beginning remains in you. If it does, you will also remain in the Son and in the Father...

John is asking his readers to keep to the truth of the Word, specifically to the words of the apostles. It is important to remember that an apostle is one who heard Jesus personally and could attest to the truth spoken by the Master. We can include with this the Old Testament since the apostles spoke of how the scriptures were "God breathed" and what as written "happened to them for our benefit".  So we study both the Old and New Testament knowing they not only define truth but give us the directions on finding forgiveness of sins and show us how we should live today.

A and K, I have heard it said that the Bible doesn't give us in details how we should live our lives in every situation, dah, no kidding! How could it. It was written almost 2000 years ago... Should I buy the blue car or the bright yellow one, should I go to the rave party or is that worldly? Is that a good movie to see? They didn't even have those things. Does this mean the Bible isn't relevant to your life, today. No, it is very relevant. And, it is a wise thing to learn from those who have already "been there, done that" in righteousness. I ask you to keep what I have taught you about spiritual living. It will help you to apply the Biblical principles of the Word to life today. It will help you "remain in the Son and in the Father".

Daughters, the church today has left the principles it has held dear. Grandpa is right in quoting II Ch.7:14... If my people would repent, turning from their wicked ways, I would forgive them... Remain in the Son and in the Father by living out the Word. If you keep the truth, you will gain the promise for all who do, Eternal Life!


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