Sunday, February 14, 2016

Philemon Verse 12

February 14, 2016

Philemon Verse 12... I am sending him - who is my very heart - back to you...

Let me first say that I plan on taking this verse way out of context, but the thought still applies and is trustworthy... We all have things close to our heart. It would be wrong not to share them in some way with others, especially with those in need. When we share what is dear to us we show love. Since God is love we share God with others. The secular world shares God's love, certainly we must share as well. We must not horde the things we love, rather we must share them. Do we really love the Lord?

A and K, do you share Christ with others? How much do you love him? I know sharing takes on many forms, I am no Uncle J. He talks to anyone about anything. But that does not mean I don't love God, nor does it mean I don't share Christ. I have learned over the years that it is easier to share him than I thought. I was scared. I am not sure what I was (or am sometimes) scared of. I still don't talk to others about much, but I have learned that the people I meet each day are people God has placed in my life to minister to. It may be a smile. It may be a how can get to know God today. When I began to be willing to help in what ever way he made sharing what or who I love much easier.

Daughters, share what you love. Share Christ.


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