Saturday, February 27, 2016

The Spirit Will Confirm It, I John 2:27

February 27, 2016

I John 2:27... As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things, and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit - just as it has taught you, remain in him...

Don't be confused. John is not saying that since we are Christians, we do not need to be taught anything. If that was the case, he would not be writing a book on how to live a Christian life. Rather, I believe he is saying that we can confirm whether someone's words to us are true if we have and rely on the Spirit of God to confirm his Word. What I want to stress with this verse are these two things: 1, We can fall away from Christ. People can confuse us and lead us astray if we do not stick to the sound teachings we have received. And 2, we can confirm what others teach by the Holy Spirit and through the Word.

Daughters, God has forgiven your sin and given you new life. I have taught you sound instruction through the exegesis of many scriptures and life experiences. Hang on to the truth of my teachings. When someone tells you something different, you can prove the truth of their words if you have your heart "set on what the Spirit desires" (Ro. 8:6). You will be able to thwart the attack of the enemy and choose life. If you rely on the flesh, as it says in Romans, you will fall. A & K, be so close to the Spirit that you can listen to him and discern what is true and so you will not fall. Then you will remain in Christ where there is life and peace.


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