Sunday, February 21, 2016

We Need to Grow Up, I John 2:12-14 (12)

February 21, 2016

I John 2:12... I write to you, dear children, because your sins have been forgiven on account of his name...

We become Christians. Selah - Think about it.............................................     We... each of us. Become... there is a starting point. Christians... followers of Christ, little Christs.

What I write here, I believe to be true. I have not heard others teach it, but it is from what I have learned and have read in the Word. Take it at face value and study for yourself to determine if it is wise counsel.

When we are saved, we become new creatures, born again, purified souls. We are perfect; in one sense like Adam. Adam was new at life, although a grown man, the best we can tell. He didn't know everything. He was sinless and knew nothing of sin. (In that sense we are different) This perfect man sinned against God when his perfect wife led him astray. They desired to be like God, knowing good and evil. They traded perfection in order to experience sin. He learned that it was a foolish choice, because he lost intimacy with God, and so much more. Now he was subject to sin and fought the rest of his very long life to keep from sinning. He caused all mankind to be born in sin.

Jesus came so we might win against sin. When he came to earth as a man, he was a baby. He grew and lived a life free from sin. Never once did he sin. He knew what sin was, yet as a human, he never sinned. Although, he was tempted like us, he knew not sin. He was killed as a sacrifice for our sin, so we could be made perfect and freed not only from the penalty of sin but from sinning itself.

We became like Adam. We might be young or old in age, but we were baby Christians. We must grow and become strong young men, then we must mature further and "know" him, the Father, in all his glory. Being careful along the way is a must for perfection doesn't mean we cannot fall away. We, different from Adam but like Christ, know sin. We lived it and must learn to forsake it. If we live in Adam's strength... we will fall. If we live in Christ's strength, we will stand. Or said like the Bible says it... If we live according to the flesh, we sill satisfy the flesh. But, if we live according to the Spirit, we will satisfy the Spirit. It is our choice.

A and K, Live to satisfy the Spirit. You are relatively young Christians, yet you are moving into adulthood. This is true physically as well. So you are at a crucial point in life. At one point, every aspect of your life was determined for you. K, since you haven't been my daughter long, you began to make personal choices earlier than A. You have told me that some were not so wise in the past, both physically and spiritually. But from these you can grow. As you continue to get older, both in the faith and physically, grow up! I see so many at work who have gotten older but have never grown up. Be different, it is your choice!

Daughters, I write to you so "the word of God lives in you." I want you to "be strong" and "overcome the evil one," (vs. 14) growing up in the Lord.


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