Sunday, February 21, 2016

Christians Do Not Hate Others, I John 2:9

February 20, 2016 on 02-21-16

I John 2:9... Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates his brother is still in darkness...

From verse 7 through verse 11, this point is made clear: you cannot say you are a Christian and at the same time hate your brother. There is a very good chance that this refers to your sister as well. Now this is talking about a spiritual relationship, but it can certainly be expanded to loving all Christians. And then we can take move to the physical realm on family. Do you love your mother and father, how about the cousin that is a pain, or a aunt or uncle or some other distant relative. Continuing on from there, we wonder about the neighbor or co-worker or boss... Do you love them; do you have to love them... Okay, lets say we need to love them, but how about those that don't love you, like an enemy or an enemy of the country like those in ISIS, or rapists or mass murderers...

Daughters, the Bible calls us to love everyone. There is no one that Jesus doesn't love. Could you imagine needing to be a certain way before Jesus loves you. Would you have a chance in making it? No! You would be without hope. A and K, Jesus loves everyone and calls us to love everyone too. If you are his, then you will walk as Jesus did and you will love all people, nice or not, good or bad, the murderer, the rapist, the cross boss, the hurt friend. You must love everyone. So ladies, is there someone that you despise; love them. As you do, you may be given the ultimate task of sharing your love by giving them Jesus. Walk in the light and love others.


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