Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Forever Together, I John 2:17

February 24, 2016

I John 2:17... The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever...

"Together Forever" a song from the eighties made number one on the charts... I know, who cares. Well a lot of engaged people swoon at the thought. They daydream over such a wonder time, two lovers, never to part! And soon they will be married, together forever. <3 <3

That is the same feeling we should have when anticipating the time that lies ahead for the Christian. There is coming a day for those "who do the will of God" when they will live together with the one they love - Jesus Christ. There is a marriage ceremony coming; the marriage of the Lamb with his bride, the church. We, as Christians, are engaged to Christ. We are to keep our fidelity to him by purifying our lives from the world and becoming wholly his. We are then are holy people. There is to be a feeling that comes with the knowledge of that truth. It is a heart melting emotion that engages our whole being.

K, I know that you have experienced the feeling that comes with being engaged. The desire to hang on to and never let go of the man you love. A, although you may have felt a little of that over some person you considered, if it is the Lord's will, you will on day experience it in ts fullness. Girls, what I have described is a great feeling, but it pales to the feeling that comes from wholly knowing Christ. If you have not experienced it, and few Christians do, then desire it and love him in such a way that you alter the things you do in life so you gain that feeling. Then when the wedding day comes, you will be the perfect bride.


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