Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Psalm 141:5

February 02, 2016, on 02-20-16

Psalm 141:5...Let a righteous man strike me--that is a kindness; let him rebuke me--that is oil on my head. My head will not refuse it, for my prayer will still be against the deeds of evildoers...

Why would the writer want struck by a righteous man? Surely that is not kindness or is it? Proverbs says rebuke a wise man and he will love you (Pr 9:8). The righteous do not mind being rebuked for what they do wrong. On the contrary, they welcome it. Their desire is to do right and they are pleased when someone shows them their wrong doing, because now they can become even more like Christ. On the other hand, a fool will scoff when others correct him, because he only wants to look good.

K and A, It is easy to tell if you desire God. How do you take the rebuke of others? Jesus says we are to "look over an offense." You are to bless those who curse you. Because this is God's word, and therefor trustworthy, you can count on it being beneficial to one living for Christ.

Daughters, I want you to desire Christ ans his ways. When someone comes to you to correct you or rebuke you as a Christian, welcome it. God will use them to make you more like his son Jesus. Do not throw away what they say, even if it seems crazy. Listen to it and take the truth that God reveals and leave the rest alone. Desires to be true to him and always be willing change any wrong others show you. It is good to walk like Jesus!


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