Monday, February 29, 2016

His Great Love, I John 3:1

February 29, 2016

I John 3:1... How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the children of God. And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him...

The children of God, that is what we are. What a privilege that is. Why should he make it possible for us to be part of his family? We have no right to even ask for that to happen. He is so magnificent and far above us, yet he wanted me, he wanted you! The God of the universe, the Creator of all chose us to be his children.

There is no better family to be adopted into. No better father could anyone have. Some people wait for a long lost uncle to die so they can receive a great inheritance. Seems silly when you compare that fictitious guy to the Protector and Ruler of the universe. Could we receive any greater inheritance from the one who owns it all? He must surely love us to include us in his family!

K and A, you two (too) are love by God. There are requirements for us to become his children but he has made it possible and you have agreed to his demands. Yes demand, they are called commandments not suggestions. Not many follow the Ten Commandments, Really, the church should call them the Nine Commandments. There are many more besides the Ten. But we can sum them all up in two phrases, Love the Lord your God with all you heart, and Love your neighbor as yourself. Easily said, but what does it mean to do that? Well that is why we have the Bible, Through the examples of Israel and the Apostles and Jesus himself, we can know what it means to love him.

Daughters, God loved you so much he made a way for you to be his children. And you are his! I want you to love him so much that you remain his. That means with all your heart, mind, body, and soul. That is a lot of loving, but you can do it!


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