Saturday, February 6, 2016

Psalm 144:3

February 05, 2016 on 02-06-16

Psalm 144:3... O Lord, that is man that you care for him, the son of man that you think of him...

The Lord is God. He is over all. He is one God, the only God. God is omnipotent or all powerful. There is no one who can subdue him. His plans cannot be thwarted. God is omniscient or all knowing. He sees what is happening. He knows where you are and what you are doing. God is omnipresent or everywhere. There is no where we can go that he is not already there. He can be I am at the same time his is with you on the other side of the world. He is high above us that we are like nothing! Yet, he loves us and cares for his people.

A and K, we serve an incredible God. He is so great that he shouldn't even associate with us. With his stature and importance, why would he. Grandpa liked to say that the comparison of our relationship to God is like that of us to ants. Ants seem so unimportant and minuscule that they appear worthless. You may feel that way sometimes. But the God of the universe cares for you. He see you and knows you, even had his son die so you might live. Wow, what a great God we serve!


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