Sunday, February 7, 2016

Psalm 146:2

February 07, 2016

Psalm 146:2... Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save.

"Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God." (Ps 20:7)

We must not rely on our own strength nor on the strength of others; not intellectually, not physically nor emotionally. Now, it is true that we use technology and the help of others and we need to use our own abilities, but we must never believe that it is on our own strength that we can accomplish great feats. No! It is through the power of the Lord that we achieve such greats heights.

All other things will fail us at some point. Even people fail. Many people suffer when a great church leader falls from grace. Many churches have been destroyed because the leader that they put their trust in failed, and now they lost hope in God. Question is... was there hope really in the Lord or was it in the church leader?

K and A, I know I am your prince charming... okay maybe not. but I am your dad, and I hope you trust me. But I am mortal and sinning is always a choice a person can take. This is true of anyone you know. So put your trust in God. He is the only one that will never fail you. He can save you... from sins you have committed, he can keep you from sinning, and he can protect your heart, your mind, and your body from destruction. Purpose in your heart not to sin. Trust him who can make it possible and he will!


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