Monday, February 15, 2016

Complete Joy, I John 1:4

February 15, 2016

I John 1:4... We write this to make our joy complete...

I find this verse a little odd. We usually think of the Scriptures as writings by people inspired by God to give us warnings or hope and encouragement or direction. Here we find that the author, the apostle John, wrote the book so he might be complete in joy. What was he writing about? John was proclaiming Jesus, the Word of life and about eternal life. He saw Jesus, he touched him, he heard him speak. John wants share what he experienced so we can have fellowship with him; God and his Son, Jesus Christ and with other believers. John know that when he does this, his joy will be complete.

A and K, we all like to be happy. We want our lives full of joy. Sadness is depressing. It tears at our heart and being and drives us inward and forces us to be all alone. You do not need to be all alone. You can find true Joy. It is found in knowing God and his Son, Jesus Christ. As we go through John's letters, I pray that you might find joy in knowing Jesus. But remember, full joy comes when you share Jesus with others. It comes as you have fellowship with these new believers. Open your will and find that joy!


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