Friday, February 19, 2016

Oh no, I Sinned against God, I John 2:1b

February 18, 2016 on  02-19-16

I John 2:1b... But if anybody does sin, we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense...

This is a continuation of yesterday's verse. John said it is important to know that a Christian is to stop sinning. But what if we do? If we sin against God, we have an advocate, Jesus Christ who will go to the Father on our behalf and plead our case before him, so God will not hold it against us. What about those who continue sinning against God? John talks about this in a later part of his letter. For now, let's just say it is not a good sign for the one who does.

Why do we need an advocate... we are to weak and too lowly to do it ourselves, besides we have no credibility. We need someone who can help the Father see that we will do what is right next time, yes it is like a court of law. God the Judge is ready to pronounce a sentence against us, but Jesus steps in and says... "I died for him. they may have failed, but I am willing to suffer death again for them because I know they want to do right even if they are weak human. I will help them live right. Our Spirit will tell remind them of what they need to do. Put their punishment on me."

Ladies, sinning against God is not a minor matter. Someone has to pay the price. Hebrews says that if you fall into sin and return, it is like crucifying him all over again. Jesus stands before God when you sin and takes the abuse for you, so you may live. Be thankful Jesus is willing to help keep you from sinning and will stand up for you when you fail. But know that it cost him to do so. Daughters, determine in your heart not to sin.


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