Saturday, February 6, 2016

Psalm 145:4

February 06, 2016

Psalm 145:4... One generation will commend your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts...

When do we tell our children what God expects? How will they learn of his laws and his how he wants us to live it out? Who will tell them? What has God done for us? What are the works of his hands? The next generation learns abut them from the current and previous generations. This includes the Word of God. Although it was inspired by the Holy Spirit, it was written down by men of previous generations.

What will we tell the next generation... this psalm relates God character. Tell of; His glorious splendor, The power of his awesome deeds, Celebrate his abundant goodness, That he is slow to anger and rich in love, How he is good to all, Tell of the glory of his kingdom and his might, How his kingdom endures forever... and more.

Daughters, God is magnificent! He is so grand and awesome! I hope you know that. I hope I made it clear to you and that you never forget how amazing he is. I hope you see me live it out in my life and have purposed to live it out on yours. Tell the next generation. Tell your children. We must let everyone know who he is and what he expects of us. Don't shy away for glorifying him in your life. He is worthy of your praise!


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