Thursday, February 25, 2016

Antichrists Deny the Truth, I John 2:22

February 25, 2016

I John 2:22... Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a man is the antichrist - he denies the Father and the Son...

When we think of the antichrist, we may think of the end times. He is the man, or entity, that will take control of the whole world to save us all from destruction. People will flock to him, because they have been searching for someone to save them from all the pain and suffering caused by the evil in the world. Little do they know that he is evil in the flesh. But there are many antichrists long before this one arrives.

An antichrist is anyone who stands against Christ and his commands. They are the ones who deny his ways as truth. They also stand against the Father and the commands he has given. They deny the truth,saying things like, "that was a cultural practice and not needed today." "We are much more enlightened today." "We need to be more open to the truth today. "We need to be more loving and receptive of other thoughts." We don't own all the truth." "There are many ways to God." Why is the antichrist a liar? Because, his father is a liar. Satan is called the father of lies, for all lies originate from him. But we are different. We are to be children of God, and through him we know truth, for he is the father of truth and life. We must not allow any lie to come from our lips for they originate from Satan and a heart directed by him.

Daughters, you must not deny the truth. Rather, you must proclaim what is right. Proclaim the ways of the Father and of his Son Jesus. And, live it out, so you do not become an antichrist, denying the what God has declared as true. But, how can you live what is right and proclaim it if you do not know what it is? Read and study the word. See what it says. Take it as truth, not as something to be twisted out of today's life and culture. Satan uses the world and its churches to instill lies. He uses things like children's programs and movies, popular music and videos, You Tube and Facebook.. he'll use anything to get us to deny who Christ is and to keep us from obeying him.

A and K, the Bible says to be as wise as serpents. The closer you are to the Word of God, the easier it is for you to see through Satan's lies. This will keep you from denying him in your life. Live for what is right... Live for the Lord.


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