Saturday, February 13, 2016

Philemon Verse 3

February 12, 2016 on 02-13-16

Philemon verse 3... Grace to you and peace from God our father and the Lord Jesus Christ...

Have you ever been disturbed or frustrated and needed a lift? A letter from a friend does just that. Here, Paul commends peace and grace to his friend (commend, Webster's 2nd defn.. to entrust to). He desires that Philemon has a good life, one free of trouble and hardship that harms his soul. He recognizes that the one who delivers peace and grace is God himself. This peace starts with salvation made possible through the death and resurrection of Jesus and is promulgated though our walk with Christ by grace from God. In other words, he gives to us peace even though he has no obligation to do so.

A and K, I desire peace for you. I pray that your heart is right with God, and that each day you ask him to lead and guide you. I also pray that his Spirit will live in you and bring you peace in the middle of troubles or difficult times. Lean on him and you will find him faithful. He will be that "friend that is closer than a brother."


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