Friday, February 12, 2016

Psalm 150:2

February 11, 2016 on 02-12-16

Psalm 150:2... Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness...

There is no doubt that we are to praise the Lord. So let us praise him! Praise him in song. Praise him with instrument. Praise him with words. Praise him with actions. Praise him with everything we are and should be! Praise the Lord. But what do we praise him for?

This verse gives the ending of the key thoughts of the book of Psalms... Praise God for his greatness and for the things he does - his acts of power. God is worthy of our praise for he is the Almighty, the All knowing, Everywhere God. He is the I AM!

A and K, This is the end of Psalms, but it is not to be the end of praising him. Here is what I got out of this book; First, God is supreme, well above all that we can think and imagine. I need to thank and praise him for it. I need to do it to him and to others about him. Second, since God is supreme, then I must be obedient to his word, his will , and his way.

I know what that is by reading the laws of the Old Testament which shows us his heart. I know it by understanding the lives of his followers found in the accounts of their lives found through both the Old and New Testament. I know it by seeing what Jesus did and by knowing what he told his followers to do. And I now it by following the pattern set down for us by his apostles. If we do not follow the prescription given to us in the Scriptures we cannot praise him in other ways with honesty and integrity.

You might say one thing is missing. There is... we praise him by yielding to his Spirit. Make sure it is his Spirit speaking to you. There are many spirits.  The Spirit clarifies the Word and the Word confirms the Spirit. They are inseparable.

So daughters, Praise the Lord of heaven and earth. He is worthy of all of you!


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