Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Psalm 148:13

February 09, 2016, on 02-10-16

Psalm 148:13... Let them praise the name of the Lord, for his name alone is to be exalted; his splendor is above the earth and the heavens,,,

Praise the name of the Lord. How often do we do that. In many churches, they use "praise" in song for an hour to honor the Lord. Praising God in song is worthy,but what do we do the other other 167 hours of the week? It is necessary to praise him using our voice, but is much more important to praise him through our actions. This psalm says that we praise him because He Is God! There is no one else who is to be exalted. His splendor is far above the earth, it is above the heavens!

So, we praise him for who he is and how great he is. We use more than our mouths... do rocks and hills and the moon or the stars have mouths. No they praise God through who they are. Rocks just sit there... even our presence should be praise for God to others.

A and K, do you praise the Lord. I hope you do it through song, but I also hope you do it in your everyday life. Don't be like today's church who praises him with song and dance and then does the same thing with the world, "for he alone is to be exalted." Praise only the Creator, for he is the one worthy of praise.


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