Sunday, February 21, 2016

How Do I Know I Love Jesus? I John 2:3

February 19, 2016 on 02-21-16

I John 2:3... We know that we have come to know him if we obey his commands...

 How do we tell if we truly trust Christ? What are the signs of a true Christian? What is it to know Him?

This verse shows us one of the "requirements" in being a Christian. Those of us who are Christians will obey what Christ told us to do. We will not be satisfied to just have our hearts cleansed, to be forgiven of sins. It takes more than just believing who Jesus is. Being a Christian requires that we live in certain ways. There are things that we do and things that we do not do. If we truly know Christ we will obey his commands.

We can swap out the word "know" with other words... If we truly "love" him... If we truly "are a Christian"... If we truly "believe in" him... To "know" Christ is to follow him! Verse 6 of this chapter says it this way. If we claim that we live in Him, we must walk as Jesus did.

K and A, you both say you are Christians. Do you walk like Jesus? Can anyone see that your ways are different from others around you? Do you obey the commands of Christ which show you the way to live your life. It is obvious that the scriptures cannot tell you how to act in every circumstance. Should you stop on a dark back secluded road, alone in your boyfriend's car. The Bible doesn't say! Or does it... You can find truths in the Word where Jesus will show you what to do. His Holy Spirit will guide you according to those basic truths found in the Word, which you can apply to any situation you are in. Live like Jesus and obey his commands found in the Bible. Not only will others know that you know him but you will be sure as well.


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