Monday, March 28, 2016

I John Review: Attributes of God

March 26, 2016 on 03-28-16

Attributes of God in 1st John by post titles...

  • God is Greater
  • He First Loved Us
  • His Great Love
  • Jesus - God in Flesh
  • Jesus Came to Eliminate Sin
  • The Spirit Confirms

Daughters, some of the things learn about God are these; God is greater than the one who controls the world. You can count on him to be there for you. He loved you before you desired him and his great love has been given out for you.

Jesus was God in the flesh, and he came so you might stop sinning. God knew that we could not keep from sinning. Despite being perfect, Adam and Eve sinned against God. Jesus came and showed that it is possible. You need to be made pure, and then you must live in him, with his power in order to succeed against the draw of the world, the draw of Satan.

The Spirit will confirm what is to be. He will affirm your standing with God. But you can fake yourself out by lying to yourself. Satan, the father of lies, is there to draw you away, but you can stand against him if you remain close to the Lord. The Spirit is there to help you.

A and K, God expects you not to sin. In fact, you are not his, if you continue sinning. Run from those who teach otherwise. This is the truth given in the 1st letter of John. Show you love the Lord by fleeing temptation and living pure in his sight.


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