Friday, March 25, 2016

Satan Controls This World, I John 5:19

March 23, 2016 on 03-25-16

I John 5:19... We know that we are children of God, and the whole world is under control of the evil one...

We can know we are children of God! His Spirit confirms with our spirit that we are his. This is only true if we are true to ourselves and lying not to ourselves and so deny the truth. The life we live we live to his glory, and we share in it as we share in his sufferings. We do not belong to the world nor do we belong to the evil one. God is our guide and leader, and we follow him.

Those of the world follow the evil one. In fact, the ruler of this world is the evil one. He controls the whole world and they follow his way. Those who share in the pleasures of the world are being controlled by him.

A and K, on what path do you walk? Who is your leader. When you follow the ways of the world and do as it does, you walk on its path. That path is wide and most people are on it. They think they are doing there own thing, but they are being controlled by the evil one. Daughters, walk on the narrow road. Know you are of God and walk on his path to eternal life!


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