Sunday, March 13, 2016

This is Love, I John 4:10

March 13, 2016

I John 4:13... This is love: not that we love God, but that he loved us and gave his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins...

Who do we think we are? Mankind is a loser. It's not just one person, its all of us. Since the creation of man, we have failed to be worthy of anything. Adam and Eve were created perfect and yet failed at keeping only one command, one! Then, in the next generation, their son, Cain, murdered his only brother. Over time, it got so bad that God said man could not think of anything good, "every inclination of his heart was evil, all the time " (Ge 6:5). When we read through the Bible, we continue to see this trait following man through every generation.

We all know evil people. Really, if we are honest with ourselves, each of us can see evil in our own lives. As God said after Noah came out of the ark, man heart is inclined to do evil from childhood. This is true unless God forgives our sin, purifies our heart, and we allow the Spirit to direct our lives. But, why would he do that? We are evil and worthless.

Why, because of love! God is love, and we know what love is when we realize that the only reason he would allow his Son to be humiliated, beaten, and killed, is so we might be forgiven and made pure. That is love!

Daughters, It is my prayer that you never forget what God has done for you. Don't leave him and run to the world for fulfillment. That would be the same defiance that Eve had... and who would you take down with you? You never go down alone. Instead, keep his love precious and serve him with all your heart, mind, body, and soul. And take others with you, especially those in your family. Now that you know what love is, love others like Christ loved you.


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