Sunday, March 20, 2016

To Have Christ is to Have Life, I John 5:12

March 20, 2016

I John 5:12... He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life...

People of the world want to live the good life. Eudaimonia was a term that Aristotle used to refer to the "highest human good," the good life. People want to "go for the gusto." They want to attain the "high life." They believe that it comes in the form of alcohol, or partying and clubbing, music and dancing, large property and luxurious home, fancy cars or trucks... or so many other things... there it is... things. Many strive to have pleasure with doing things or having things. But life, abundant life is true fulfillment and the possession of life itself - eternal life, never ending.

 As Christians, we forgo the pleasures of this world, which bring temporary happiness, for the hardships of serving Christ. But, this is not what we hear today. We are told that serving Christ should be fun; we should enjoy serving him. "Come lets party with the Lord, " they say. Or as one sing says, "come alive on God's great dance floor." As they portray on the video... Saturday nights are meant for dancing... how sad. They miss the purpose of salvation. It is not the "high life" scene we are to strive for. No, it is the down and grimy scene ridding our lives of sin and reaching others caught in it. Then in a short time, as God views shortness, we will enter eternal life when our work here is done.

A and K, true life comes from the author of truth. The author of lies took away our access to eternal life in the Garden and death became the order of things. Therefore, all who follow Satan will never have access to the kingdom or to eternal life. This is why all liars will be thrown into the lake of fire... they are the followers of the Author of Lies. Christ, the Redeemer, purchased you back from Satan, so you can have access to the tree of life again. Now, as his slave, you must be diligently working in his fields which are "ripe and ready for harvest."

Daughters, you are certainly not called to misery... as it says in verse 3, his commands are not burdensome, but they are commands. And his command is to GO. Forgo the pleasures of the world and live in the truth of God's Word and Jesus will bring you life "to the full."


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