Tuesday, March 29, 2016

I John Review: What Not to Do

March 29, 2016

What Not to Do...
  • Don't Have to Sin
  • Don't Love the World
  • Don't Be Led Astray
  • Don't Hate
These are crucial to know if we want to remain a Christian. So much talk in the church today that sinning is what a human does. After all, we aren't perfect. Of course, we know that John said that If we continue sinning we are not a follower of Christ; we are headed for the lake of fire.

So what are some ways to keep from sinning? The key is the other points of this post.

When we are led astray by those in the church who say we need to be like the world to win them, we are apt to be caught in sin. When we begin to hate those who we are trying to save from destruction, we are apt to sin. When we love the "freedoms" of the world and despise the restrictions of Christ's commands, we are certain to sin against God.

Daughters, John is straight forward. If you follow the ways of the world you will fall from the protections of Christ. He will not force you to follow him. If you love their ways more than his ways, you cease being a Christian. I am not saying that you will never sin. Nor am I saying that you can never be made whole again. K and A, Our walk is not just one decision, it is a lifetime of choices. Make your choice each day to follow Christ and not to be led astray by the world. True freedom is found in following his commands.


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