Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Purify Yourself, I John 3:3

March 01, 2016

I John 3:3... Everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself, just as he is pure...

What is the hope we have? The verse before this tells us that when Jesus returns to gather his people, they will be changed to become like him. We will be like Jesus! Now that is special.

So, what do we do with that knowledge. Do we say, "When he comes back, I'll be done with sinning. I can't help it now, but then I'll be able to stop." No! We are to say that now. This verse says that we work to purify ourselves. We want to make our clothes spotless. Revelation 19:8 says that the clothes we wear in heaven will be fine, bright, and clean. Most versions say white in place of clean. They represent "the righteous acts of the saints." We are not to wait until we get to heaven to become clean. Jesus died so that we may be purified now.(I Jn 1:9). Since Christ is pure, we desire purity and work to be purified.

Daughters, The white wedding dress is a joke for most weddings today. It was meant to be a sign that the bride kept herself pure.Too many couples have become one with many. See to it that you can wear a white dress the day of your wedding!

There is little difference in the church. We are to present ourselves to Christ on the wedding day dressed with purity. Too many want to join their lives with Jesus and with the world. Some believe they cannot be pure so why try. Others love the world's ways too much to give it up... they don't really love Jesus. They just want the benefits that come from being his. A and K, If you truly love Jesus, you will flee the world and cling only to him. He is to be your one and only.


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