Thursday, March 17, 2016

Overcome the World, I John 5:4

March 17, 2016

I John 5:4... for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith...

We have been talking about how those who love God are obedient to him. But we cannot forget about faith! Faith is how we overcome the world as well. Not just a faith that says God is real, but a faith, or belief that God is who he says he and in whom we place our confidence. We must not forget that we can work as hard as we want, but we will fail and fall in keeping his commands if we forget that our strength and power comes through him. Remembering that Adam was perfect yet failed, we too will fail, even if we have received salvation. Only Christ was sinless. If we do not live in his power we cannot keep from falling. We must believe this... we must place your faith in him. It is where the victory lies.

K and A, I am bent on having you know that you cannot live like the world and think you are a Christian. It is my main theme, and one of the major themes of the Bible. Know that you will fall into sin if you snuggle up to the things the world loves. But how do you over come the world? By what method is victory over the world possible? It is by faith; believing in the power of Christ. If you truly love him, you will obey him. If you let him reign in you, you can obey him. Desire him and draw close to him and get to know the one who makes victory possible!


Here is a link to the song you may be thinking of... It is a good one!

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