Saturday, March 5, 2016

Jesus Came to Eliminate Sin, I John 3:8

March 04, 2016 on 03-05-16

I John 3:8... He who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work...

Jesus came that we "may have life and have it to the full." This is what is recorded in the Gospel of John. Here, John says that He came so the devil's work of sin may be stopped. It would appear that when we put these two thoughts together that a full life is not one that the world desires. The world chases after pleasure and enjoys delving into sinful practices. These include but are not limited to drinking, carousing, and sexually deviant behavior. It also includes swearing, hatred, and envy. Look these up in Galatians and Corinthians, its there.

This section of the Bible is tough... if you keep on sinning you are not a Christian... never were! That is tough. We all know people who do sin and call themselves Christians! One thing we can know for sure, God does not take sin lightly. Many people today never consider their actions, "If it feels good, do it." Others sin figuring that God is patient and kind, and they can just ask forgiveness after they are done, "enjoying" themselves. Some are caught and hurt inside but cannot seem to stop and don't know what to do. And there are those working, striving, and "beating their bodies, daily", as Paul said, to keep serving God in purity.

A and K, in which group are you. Do you care how you live? Do you do what you know is wrong thinking God understands your weakness and will always look the other way and forgive you? Maybe you are caught and not sure what to do. It is my intent in writing this that you join with the last group. Be part of those who are not satisfied unless they sense the smile of God on their lives. Daughters, love the Lord with all your heart. Never seek the pleasures of the world or party with them. Don't listen to or desire their music, the words of which show their heart. Jesus came so you would not sin. Live for Jesus not Satan. What you do, shows whose you are.


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