Thursday, March 10, 2016

God is Greater, I John 4:4

March 10, 2016

I John 4:4... You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world...

King of kings and Lord of lords, God surpasses everybody and anything that exists or that ever existed. There is no one who can compare to his greatness. He stands outside the universe, watching our comings and goings. He knows when we hurt and knows when are having a good day. He is there for us. We just need to be there for him.

The devil is alive and well, but knows that God is in control. Satan also knows that he has a limited time to work to get people on his side. Yet, for some reason, He believes that if he can get enough people on his side, he can defeat God (some conjecture on my part). So, he fights against us to pull us away from God. He tempts us to defeat us. He makes us feel worthless, even though to God we are worth the life of his son. He tells us there is no hope, we cannot stop sinning. We are caught in a life of failure.

But he is a liar! God is greater than Satan. The one in the world is defeated already. He will never win the final battle, and he can be defeated today in you life and in mine!

K and A, will you let the devil defeat you. "You are from God." Do not be overcome by the world around you. You do not have to be like them, not even to win them. Be like Christ who reached out to the world around him without becoming like them. You too can have people seek you out to be"healed", if you live like and have overcome sin. You can do it. God is greater than Satan. Be an overcomer.


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