Friday, March 25, 2016

Keep From Idols, I John 5:21

March 24, 2016 on 03-25-16

I John 5:21... Dear children, keep yourselves from idols...

Idols, what are they? Webster says that it is something worshiped as God or an object of extreme devotion. In Bible times, and in areas around the world today, idols were something made of wood or gold or stone or other inanimate material. Today when we think if idols we think of sports players, or movie stars or musicians. But what we should consider is that it is anything that we devote more to than we do the Lord. It could be our job, our children, our spouse, our dog or cat. Anything can be a god to be served.

What do we spend our time and money on? These are areas in our lives that we make our gods. Most people have many of them. Most Americans don't believe they have any, but if they are honest with themselves, they do.

One thing is certain today, fabricated idols are becoming more common. People are setting things up in their homes and cars to pray to and to worship. Some people dangle things off their mirrors in their cars to keep safe. Others pray to idols that represent God. Not only are we not to make an image to worship - one of the "Ten", we are not to have any other gods than Him.

My dear children, A & K, do not make for yourself a god to serve.  A boyfriend or teacher or other person is to take place of God. He is the only one you are to be devoted to. Honor and worship him and give to him your whole being. Put no thing or person before him! Keep yourself from idols, no matter the form.


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