Sunday, March 6, 2016

Love, More Than Just Talk, I John 3:18

March 06, 2016

I John 3:18... Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth...

How easy it is to say I love you, and never mean it. We are told to love everyone, and that is not always easy to do, but it easy to say. Words do not cut it. They sound real, and I do believe they need said, but if they are not accompanied by action, they are nothing. That is the theme of I Cor 13, your word are just a noisy clanging cymbal if not accompanied by good deeds.

But it is more just doing things. If works of kindness are done to others and not for them, there is still a problem. Just as love needs to be accompanied with action, actions must be done with the motivation of love. So, love, like faith, must be joined by works and vice versa. They are complimentary in nature and in the Christian walk, cannot be separated.

K and A, do you ever say I love you and do not really mean it? Do you ever love and never tell the person? Do you ever love and never show it? Girls, God has called you to love. This means that you will go out of our way to love all people. Live a life that exemplifies the life of Christ to others. Share his love with those around you by living out your faith.


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