Wednesday, March 16, 2016

No Fear in Love, I John 4:18

March 14, 2016 on 03-16-16

I John 4:18... There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love...

We need not fear the Lord, when we are like him (vs 17). We only need to fear when we aren't. Many use this verse to say that we shouldn't fear the Lord when we sin, but that would be a polluting of the Scriptures. They say if we do fear, we must not understand the love of God, because he doesn't punish those who are his. But this is a bad theology! There are sins that lead to death. They are the ones that we as Christians knowingly commit and will not repent of. We must fear the consequences of not living like him. To be complete in love means to be fully like God.

A sad story here... Our niece went to a church weekend camp of another church. When I saw her I asked what she learned. One of the things she discussed was a object lesson that she heard. It went something like this...  The leader (a youth pastor) did a demonstration. He took a container of liquid. he added another dark liquid and the container turned dark. Then he added a white liquid and it turned white. Then each time he added more of the dark, it would not change, it stayed white. So I asked her what it meant. Here is what she said. In your life you sin and your life is dark with sin, but when you ask Jesus into your life, he makes you clean. Then in your life, as you sin and sin, not matter how many times or how much you sin, it makes no difference. It cannot turn your life dark again because Jesus is there. I was flabbergasted! How blatantly false. How sad that many children were taught to sin and feel guiltless, because God loves you anyway. It make no difference!? I am still amazed at this...

A and K, it is crucial you listen to sound doctrine. It must align with the Word of God. God will punish those who are evil with an eternal fire! Even tough you once were saved, the soul that sins is the one that dies. Just because you say "Lord, Lord", or " didn't we caste out demons in your name" doesn't mean his love is made complete in you. His love is complete and you need not fear when you become like him in word and deed. You can trick yourself into not feeling guilt and fear, but you will only be lying to yourself, thinking you are right with God. But you are being deceived by Satan. Fear chasing after the world. Love being like God.


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