Monday, March 28, 2016

I John Review: Info on Satan and His Followers

March 27, 2016 on 03-28-16

Info on Satan and His Followers
  • Satan Controls the World
  • Antichrists Deny the Truth
There were just a couple titles attributed to Satan and his followers, but when we look at the magnitude of the truths spoken by John, these are major points which must not be overlooked!

It is imperative that we understand that the world we live in is controlled by Satan and his minions. In general, the things elevated as good are evil and the things this world despises are good. Satan, of course, is a liar. He is the great deceiver. His cunning tricked Eve and she began to desire to be God. When she partook of the Serpents ways, she became like him and so deceived her husband. Sin is a deception and a trick making us believe we can achieve something we otherwise could not.

The world today has many "desirable" ways and they deceive many Christians. Lets look at a few: 

Drinking - today's church is caught in this one. Check out the commercials, the people are smiling and are having a good time. Why don't they show mangled cars and the families destroyed by a loved one being killed by a drunk driver?

Music & Dancing - Again partying and having a good time. It is mostly about the sexual. Look at the moves, the beat that causes people to move in certain ways... usually the bottom is the desirable part people like to move and see moved. Listen to what the crowd enjoys. It is the moves that are sexual that get the greatest attention. I watched a talent night from Liberty University... the crowd mostly enjoyed the sexually themed ones, could tell by the whoops and hollers. I was sad at first, but it is not the least surprising anymore. Even though dancing was not allowed by students, the students went out dancing and even the president of the college was a spotted at a dance event complete with a picture.

Drugs - how can this be you may ask? I had someone who was interested in coming to our church say that light drug use was okay. It didn't affect his Christianity. Now that it is becoming legalized, that theme will only grow.

How does this happen? Satan puts within the church anitchrists. They say that it is not what you do that makes you or keeps you from being a Christian. They like to quote Paul and say that "all things are permissible." But Jesus said that in the end times the sheep and the goats would be separated by what they did or did not do! That will determine their end - glory or the fire!

Daughters, do not let Satan deceive you. He wants to use the pleasures of the world to suck you in. Whether it is popular music, rock or country, dancing, drugs and alcohol, clothing and fashion... he is aiming for you. A - I see it happening at Penn View with the clothing style, and some with music, Be careful not to be pulled into it. K - be careful not to participate in it. You flirt with the world, and it will ensnare you.

Girls, If you think this is not a problem, Satan has already started his work on you. I see it in my life, not just in the past but now as well. The Bible says, when you work helping others in spiritual matters, be careful not to get caught your self. I see my standards weakening, because I am  involved with some who flirt with or are caught in sin. Satan is real! Stand on the Word and reject him.


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