Sunday, March 13, 2016

Love One Another, I John 4:7

March 12, 2016 on 03-13-16

I John 4:7... Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God...

How will they know we are Christians? Because of our love for one another. This is what Jesus said as John recorded in his book on the gospel. As Christ's disciples, we are called to love each other. Despite how goofy, ugly, annoying, or how right they may be, we are called to love them. This we all know, but are we willing to do it, and what does it mean to love?

In 1 Corinthians, Paul said that love is more than feelings, it is treating people right. Having patience, being kind, not desiring what others have, all these are signs of love. How can we say we love if others, who belong to the Lord, easily anger us. If they wrong us,do we hold it against them to control them. We must live like Christ who loved us while we were still against him. He loved us while we we still sinners. Surely, we should love our brothers and sisters in the Lord.

A and K, you must love those who are part of the family of God, that is unquestionable. But, that means you must live for their good. They are not perfect... yet. It is true that they are to be holy and pure, but at times they are inconsiderate, obstinate and insatiate. You are to love them anyway and work to help them become more like Christ. Love each Christian as Christ loves you.


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