Wednesday, March 9, 2016

To Receive Anything - Please Him, I John 3:22

March 07, 16 on 03-09-16

I John 3:22... and receive from him anything we ask, because we obey his commands and do what pleases him...

We all have heard the scripture, "ask and you shall receive" or another similar verse. (Matthew 7:7, 11:24, 21:22) Do we really believe that? "Really, ask for anything in my name and you will receive it? I know most people do not believe that, but it is true! But wait, there are qualifiers. Here in this verse we see one of them... we receive anything, because we obey his commands and do what pleases him. Wow, that's big! It is not just as simple as asking for something and getting it. That would make us spoiled brats.

Of course, that would fit today's society. The rebellious kids of the 60's and 70's who wanted to do what they felt like doing raised the spoiled kids of the 80's and 90's who were allowed to do anything they wanted, and look where we are. The spoiled kids are now spoiled adults saying I doesn't matter what I do, God will still love me, and the rebellious ones, still trying to appease them, join in and increase the spiritual melee they have created.

But the truth is that a fulfillment on the promise requires an obedience to the Word of God. His commands are everlasting and his will does not waver. He is the same God "today, yesterday and forever" (Hebrews 13:8). Therefore, as God's people, we must obey what he says if we are expect to receive what we ask for. It would be foolish for a parent to give a disobedient child a special snack when they have been bad. So it is with God. He is not foolish. As our father, he will not spoil us by giving in to a disobedient, whiny, disrespectful, child. No, he will discipline him instead.

K and A, I tried not to spoil you. I have not been as tough on you as needed, but you do know what I expect. You are to the age where physical discipline is over (probably). But that does not mean I would withhold correction or at least blessings (the special snack) when needed. Think of my desire for you to be obedient. Not only was that for mother's and my sanity, it was for your spiritual good. It was/is to teach you to be obedient to God, to not be that spoiled christian. Rather, it was to teach to be the Christian who listens to and obeys the Word of God. When you are obedient and please him... you can expect to receive good things from the Lord when you ask.


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