Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Test the Spirit, I John 4:1

March 08, 2016 on 03-09-16

I John 4:1... Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world...

We have to be on guard against the wiles of Satan. Wiles is a good word, look it up. It fits so well for Satan. He loves to trick us into thinking we are following God, but he is taking us away from him and his way. He tries to get us to think we are receiving something that God would really want us to have for surely God would not withhold anything good from us! But, he is tricking us with one of his schemes. We are not enlightened. No, we have been conned by a false spirit!

Today, there is a big push for the movement of the Spirit. It happened before in the late 1800's and early 1900's. We are being schemed into thinking that we can do differently than the scriptures say because the "spirit" has told us everything is fine. Butl have we tested the spirit? Do we size up the permissible act with against the Word? Or, because it feels pleasurable, do we partake in the sin, because the spirit hasn't rebuffed us?

A and K, I know of people who say that everything they do is okay unless the Spirit convicts them that it is wrong. That might be okay if they would seriously seek the Spirit's will. But, they never look into the Word to test the act they are doing. Nor, do they seem to care if what they do is wrong, for they believe that Jesus' blood cover any wrong they do.

Daughters, be careful if you are asked to participate in something contrary to what I have taught you. It is not that I can do no wrong or that everything I believe is absolute truth. No, it is that things contrary to what I have taught you as truth needs to be proved worthy by the Word and the Spirit to be okay to do. Also, one thing I believe is worthy is to ask a "saint of God" to agree with you doing it. If they are a "saint" they will help with scriptural discernment. They won't just tell you how they feel but will show you scripture of why they believe it. And don't be like Rehoboam who went out ask his buddies what to do in an important situation and was duped and lost most of his kingdom. 

Girls, choose wisely your the "deeds done on the body" for that is how God will judge you, "whether good or bad." (2 Cor 5:10) Choose to do good things by testing the spirits.


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