Saturday, March 19, 2016

Eternal Life is Real, I John 5:11

March 19, 2016

I John 5:11... And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son...

The Spirit's testimony is true. He cannot lie. All that he says can be relied on. And he testifies to fact that God has given us, those that believe and put their trust in the Son of God, eternal life!

We need not fear that he will renege on his promise. Eternal life will come to those that remain faithful to the end. Contrary to what some church-goers think, it is not us who never change our minds, it is God. He is always faithful, and when he makes a promise, he will carry it through. Man, on the other hand, is wishy washy, ever fluid in what he says and does. God explains the situation this way; God is not man, that he should lie, not the son of  man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill (Numbers 23:19). We may fail, but God fulfills! He will carry out his Word.

Daughters, you can count on God. Believe his promises and follow through with your side of the agreement and when this life is over you can be assured that life is just beginning! Eternal life will be yours. Today your mother and I and Grandpa and Grandma went to visit Aunt Thelma. She will soon die and this life will be over. Or said a different way... soon this life will be over and she will begin to live. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and this testimony will be yours as well.


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