Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Stop Sinning, I John 3:6

March 02, 2013

I John 3:6... No one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him...

Stop! Why do "christians" continue to sin after they have been saved? If I John 1:9 and I Cor 5:17 are correct, how could we think that sinning is a natural part of life? Is the old really gone? Have we allowed the new to come? Have we truly been purified?

There are a few reasons for why Christians sinning has no consequences. One of the biggest is the teaching that once we are saved we can never lose our salvation, that our sins that we commit will not be held against us. For the people who really do not want to leave their sin, this teaching serves them well. They can continue in sin, "knowing" everything is good with God. The sad reality is that God is hurt. His son had to die, and it was for nothing. Jesus came to give life. He gave his life, so we might gain life, eternal life. Adam and Eve lost the access to the Tree of Life when they sinned. What make us think that we won't loose our access to eternal life when we sin. The scripture says the soul that sins is the one that dies! Another reason is ignorance. Some people just don't understand, No one has ever shown them and they haven't read it yet. In either case it comes down to a poor understanding of the Word.

A and K, the Word shows you more than the way to live. It gives you hope for life, encouragement for your daily walk. It shows you God's heart and what his plan is for salvation. It not only tells you things that have happened, but it tells of future events. It shows you where you have been and where you are going. Ladies, the Word is so necessary if you expect to please God. God wants you to live a life free from sin. He has made it possible! If you don't care what sin is or if you sin and don't care, this verse questions the validity of your relationship to God. I believe that you both want God's ways. Maybe there is area in your life that does not align with his Word and you know it. Ask for forgiveness, forsake the sin, live a victorious life free from it. Just feeling the smile of approval from God is worth it!


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