Thursday, March 10, 2016

Jesus, God in Flesh, I John 4:2

March 09, 2016 on 03-09-10

I John 4:2... This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God...

We must know how to recognize those who are not from God. Remembering that truth is not complete in one verse, we cannot say that just because a leader, or any other person for that matter, acknowledges Jesus as Lord, doesn't mean they are from God. The "goats" which the Son of Man sent to eternal punishment were not his despite saying Lord, Lord and casting out demons in his name. (Matthew 25:31 - 46) Instead, those claiming to be his must believe and state that Jesus is God in the flesh. If they only believe he is a good teacher or that he is a spiritual leader, or if they believe he is just an eternal being but not God, they do not speak the truth and must not be trusted even if they say many good things. They are from the antichrist! We must not listen to them.

A and K, Jesus is God. He came in the flesh, born of a woman, grew and lived like you and I. He taught you truth on how God wants you to live, then died as an atonement or payment for your sin. He rose from the dead so that you might live pure lives free some sin. He told you to let others know who he is, both through tongue and deeds. First believe it yourself, then let others know that Jesus is God in the flesh. If you do, you will be one of the sheep that Jesus will send to his right giving you you eternal life with him.


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