Friday, March 25, 2016

Pray for Them, I John 5:16

March 21, 2016

I John 5:16... If anyone sees his brother commit a sin that does not lead to death, he should pray and God will give him life. I refer to those whose sin does not lead to death. There is a sin that leads to death. I am not saying he should pray about that...
This is an odd verse if you never heard it before, and maybe still a bit odd of you have. First let me say what I think it means. "I think" because John did not specify.
There are sins listed in the scriptures that state that you will  go to hell if you commit them; better said... you will punished eternally in the lake of fire if you are that type of person. If you are a liar, an adulterer, an idolater, a homosexual, a hater, a murderer, a person who covets, a Sabbath breaker, flippantly using God's name, don't have faith in Jesus, and many more. If you are like any of these, you are in danger of the fires of hell. That should frighten you, because it's forever.
There are other sins that we never know we commit or fall under what John says are wrong doing. Here are some examples...this is my wisdom, not specific scripture... I should have smiled at that person, I could have spoken a uplifting word to her, why didn't I stop and help that lady, I insulted my spouse, I called that person a name and it hurt them, I didn't brush my teeth or put on deodorant and I am a nuisance to my co-worker. I didn't know when to stop picking on him and he became irritated. I can play or sing for the Lord, but I was to afraid to be in front of others. There are so many things we might see in others when they are wrong and they never see it.. We may have a responsibility to inform them to help them see their error. But, we have a greater responsibility to pray for them about their sin! God will forgive them and give life to them, otherwise it is a downhill slide until the commit evil.
K and A, I pray for you to do right. when I hear someone use minced oaths, I pray for them. Some don't understand how it hurts God. (when we know... we become responsible for its use. Please never use words like go_h, he_k, frick_n, ge_ze, sho_t (you taught me that one K), OM_ - the biggest misuse of God's name today! And there are so many more... If you commit any of the evils above (murder etc..), my prayers are worthless. You  must repent before God and man, but I will pray for your other wrongs, and as your dad, I also am given the responsibility before God to tell you as well. That is getting harder to do. So don't despise my correction, take it in and learn from it. Know that God is making you two into the beautiful women he created you to be!

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