Monday, October 31, 2016

Genesis 4:8, Passed Down

Passed Down

Genesis 4:8 And Cain said to his brother Abel, Let's go out into the field." And while they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him.

Let's go out into the field, he said. Seemed innocent enough. who was it that made Cain sin. Who pushed him to attack his brother and kill him. Romans 5:12 tells us that, because Adam sinned, all of mankind would be born with sin. We see this with Cain. Sin was passed down to Adam's son and the first murder takes place. He didn't have any bad friends, he didn't succumb to peer pressure. No, evil was already in his heart. It didn't take much to convince him to act. When his offering was rejected by God, he took it out on his brother. Kill him, and God will accept you was Satan's lie, and Cain believed it. Evil took action and Able was murdered.

There used to be an excuse given back in the 60's, "The Devil made me do it." Satan doesn't make you do it. It is your choice. Sure he tempts you and convinces you it's the best way... but you choose, you act. Sin is natural for man, but Christ came so we could have a new nature, one that chooses God's way instead of Satan's.

Daughters, Jesus made it possible for you not to sin. Find forgiveness for Adam's penalty through his sacrifice. Then put to death the evil deeds of the body by yielding the parts of your body to the Spirit (Ro 6) Then, you can live as God designed, honoring him in all you say and do. You will be able to master sin as God desires you to.


Genesis 4:8, Passed Down II

Passed Down II

Genesis 4:8 And Cain said to his brother Abel, Let's go out into the field." And while they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him.

Just a quick not since I must go to work early and then to my regular job at 3....

I was thinking how Sin is passed down to our children because Adam sinned. Note that Jesus was born without sin because he was not born of Adam but of the Holy Spirit and of Mary. That is why he could live a life free from sin, making him the perfect sacrifice.

Also I want you to consider that we cannot produce Christian offspring. When they are born we cannot pass down purity through birth. But that doesn't mean we cannot pass down to our children a Christian heritage. The life you live will make a difference in their lives. Don't make them figure it out on their own, teach it to them like the Word says to... along the road, when they get up when they lie down... teach it to them all the time. A and K, as a mother you will be responsible to teach Jesus to your children. Pass down your love for Christ and show them how to live it!


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Genesis 4:6 & 7, Sin Desires You

Sin Desires You

Genesis 4:7 If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it.

Verse 5 says that Cain was very angry that Abel's sacrifice was acceptable and his was not. God said that if he did what was right he too would be accepted. Note that, not only is our service to him acceptable when we do it right, we personally are acceptable to God and are looked on with favor. Because Cain lost God's favor, his anger began to eat at him, and he started to despise his brother. Sin was coming for him. It was crouching at his heart's door.

The Word says "Do not let the sun go down on your anger." and "In your anger, do not sin." (Eph 4:26). Why is this important? Because sin desires to have you. Satan actively seek you out. He waits for your carnal mind to be filled with desire, keeps close by, then pounces on the opportunity to convince you to sin .

Satan is real, daughters. Like a roaring lion, he prowls about (1 Pet 5:8). Never crack the door open for him to slip in. Do not give him a foothold (Eph 4:27). He will go after you just like he went after Eve. He is cunning and sneaky, hiding around the corner, waiting to trick you into believing what you are doing is justified. Remember that carnality is not evil in itself. It is a natural desire that needs to be put under the control of the Spirit, keeping it subject to him. If your natural desires are subject to your own will, you will sin. A and K, sin wants you. You must master it.


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Genesis 4:2b - 6, God's Favor

God's Favor

Genesis 4:4 But Abel brought fat portions from some of his flock. The Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering

Cain worked the fields and Abel tended the flock. To this point in time, animals were bot permitted as food. I am not sure why he tended flock, but the scriptures note that he did. Possibly, it was for sacrifices. Cain would have raised food for the family. No doubt, he had help, but he was the main  field hand for his family.

In the course of time, they each brought a sacrifice to the Lord. Hebrew 11:4 tells us that Abel brought a better offering. Growing up we were always taught that this offering was better because it was an animal offering not a fruit and vegetable offering. The interpretation is mixed today, and most do not condemn Cain for his fruit offering. We do know that Abel brought his by faith, believing that God would accept it. He was commended as a righteous man and Cain was not.

A and K, what can be plainly seen in the text is that God commends those who do right and condemns those who do not. It also shows that doing wrong brings guilt and that makes you feel down. I pray that you will chose right and will feel the smile of the Lord upon your life. I also pray that when you do wrong and feel the displeasure of the Lord that you will recognize when your face downcast and turn to the Lord for forgiveness. Seek to know what is right, then do it. Then your spirit will be lifted and your face will shine with the joy of the Lord and his favor.


Monday, October 24, 2016

Genesis 4:1 & 2a Glory to God

Glory to God

Genesis 4:1 & 2a Adam lay with his wife Eve and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain. she said, "with the help of the Lord, I have brought forth a man."

After Adam and Eve were banished from the garden never to return, they began to work the ground and started a family. After Eve gave birth, she was thankful and gave God the glory for helping them
create a son, and the second generation began. She later conceived again and gave birth to Abel and other children, both male and female. God saw to it that life would continue, since sin would take the life of Adam and Eve and all that were born to them.

Why would Eve give glory to God and what does giving glory mean? In simple terms, glory is giving credit to someone for what has been done. We are very accustomed today to take this credit ourselves. "He ran a good race," "Look how beautiful she is," "My you are smart.".. are all phrases which we have heard. But there was a time when Christians gave the credit to God. But in our egocentric society of today, we think that is foolish. "Didn't God bless her with a pleasant smile?" "God sure has given him quick feet." This sounds strange to us. We rarely, if ever, hear someone speak that way. In our pride, we take the credit or give the credit to others and leave God out of it.

Ladies, God has blessed each of you in similar but different ways. You can sing, play the piano, memorize well. Me, I can sing fairly well, so you are better than I... in those areas. God has blessed us each with abilities. Let your greatest ability be your availability!

Allow God to use you. You become a blessing when God helps you succeed. Allow him to stir your soul to use what he has given you in service to him. I am grateful for the way you do serve him. God made Adam and Eve, but he used them to create Cain. God will use you too if you yield your talents to him. And when you do, I'll give glory to God for such wonderful daughters!


Sunday, October 23, 2016

Genesis 3:22 - 24, Banished for Life

Banished for Life

Genesis 3:24 So the Lord God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken.

Man had sinned. Adam listened to his wife and took the fruit from the forbidden tree and sin passed unto all man. He became like God, knowing good and evil, so God forbade him to take fruit from the tree of life. God would no longer allow him to reach out his hand and partake of it. He was banished forever from the tree and from the Garden of Eden. From this point forward Adam and his helper Eve would work for the food they would consume. Tirelessly, they would strive to exist and physically their bodies would wear out and die and decay back into earth from whence they came.

We are children of Adam. Our DNA can be traced to his. We are born and live, then we die and decay. Some people think that this is all there is, but it is not true. We are spiritual beings as well. Adam was banished not only physically but spiritually. If we are not clothed with the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus and his work on the cross, our souls will be banished from eternal life.

A and K, there was a paradise on earth spoiled by the sinful choice of man, yet you can have that opportunity to live in the paradise Jesus is preparing for all those who love him. They are the ones who are changed by the forgiveness of sin and who follow his commands. You have been changed. Will you love him and follow his commands, and be freed to eat from the tree of life which will be located in the paradise to come? I want to see you there. The banishment will be taken away and you will live forever.


Saturday, October 22, 2016

Genesis 3:21, Covered by the Lord, Part 2: Physical Clothes

Covered by the Lord, Part 2: Physical Clothes

Genesis 3:21 The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them.

Because this covers two very important areas of life; spiritual and physical clothing, I have broken this into two parts. Adam and Eve were both spiritually and physically naked. Nakedness brought shame and fear. So they made themselves clothes out of fig leaves.

When God came in the cool of the day to meet with the ones he loved and had created. He called for them, because they were hiding. Adam replied saying they hid for they were afraid because they were naked. Seems funny, odd because they had made clothes. apparently the clothes they had made did not thoroughly cover their nakedness. In their sinful state, they lacked the physical covering that would make them presentable before their maker.

When God purified them through the sacrifice of the animal, he took the skins of the animals and clothed them. Most pictorial representations of this shows more covered than in most fig leaf pictures. What Biblical insights do we have into proper clothing? Are we given any clues into how one should dress? Although it is not specific, we do have clues into what is proper.

1 Timothy 2:9 says, "I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes." "What is modesty?" you ask. Here is a scripture from the Old Testament that I never heard used before. Maybe, it can be considered as a clue into God's idea of modesty? Exodus 28:42 tells the priests to where undergarments covering the hips to the thighs. Also in Exodus, it mentions that a robe should not be able to be seen under so the priest's nakedness would not be seen. The verse in Exodus 20:26 states to not have the altar on a platform that uses steps, because God didn't want anyone to see under the robe and see the priest's nakedness.

Enough said A and K. We know God wants you to dress with modesty and decency. Do not expose yourself as the rest of the world does. Fashion is not to dictate the clothing of the follower of Christ. Keep your private parts covered with undergarments and the rest of your nakedness with outer clothes. Deuteronomy 22:5 says that men are not to wear women's clothing, nor are you to wear men's clothing. Cross dressing is wrong, that verse says God detest it.

I pray that this review of Genesis, 1 Timothy and others from God's Word helps you in choosing what to wear. As always, it is best to err on the conservative side, never trying to push the limits of God's grace. Today's church allows way to much to be exposed. It is best to be covered for the Lord than to expose your flesh before the world. If God doesn't tell you to expose it, keep it covered.


PS. I didn't have enough time here to discuss how immodest and indecent dress affects the senses and desires of men. Be wary of enticing them. This is very important in Christian circles. Many a follower of Christ has been tempted and sinned because there was no thought given to how they might be affected. Salvation doesn't keep one from being tempted by the flesh. Help men by dress appropriately.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Genesis 3:21, Covered by the Lord, Part 1: Spiritual Clothes

Covered by the Lord, Part 1: Spiritual Clothes

Genesis 3:21 The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them.

I am splitting this verse into two posts, because it covers two very important areas of life; spiritual and physical clothing. Adam and Eve were not only physically naked, they were spiritually naked.

This verse is described by most biblical scholars as the first sacrifice for sins. I said in an earlier post that Adam and Eve felt naked and afraid and covered themselves with fig leaves. This was inadequate and here we see that God, not satisfied with their attempt proceeds to cover them properly. Hebrews 9:22 states that, without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness for sins. God shed the blood of an animal to make it possible for Adam and Eve's sin to be forgiven. God set up the standard for us to follow. The Scriptures make it clear that an animal sacrifice was only temporary until the Savior, Jesus, would sacrifice himself for us, once for all.

We are born sinners for when Adam sinned, sin entered the world and is passed down to who are born (Ro 5:12). We can try to cover our sin, most people do, but we remain spiritually naked until the blood of Christ covers us. Then our sin will be removed along with our guilt, fear, and shame!

Girls, God has provided a way of salvation through the blood of his son Jesus Christ. With faith, believing this is so and through obedience to his way. We shall be freed from all guilt. I know both of you have accepted Christ as your savior. That makes be quite pleased. I pray that there may never be a time in your life when you sin, but if there is and you are convicted by the Lord and feel the guilt and shame of sin, do not look at what you once said and smugly think it doesn't matter. Don't cover it or pretend it isn't so. Come to the Lord and he will clothe you once again that you may stand pure before him.

May you be like Christ bride spoken of in Revelation 19:8, clothed in fine linen - the righteous acts of the saints. Have faith in what Christ has done for you, accept it, then live pleasing lives for him, preparing to be his beautiful bride.


Thursday, October 20, 2016

Gensis 3:20, Mother of All

Mother of All

Genesis 3:20 Adam named his wife Eve, because she would become the mother of all the living.

Eve was taken out of Adam, created from him... bone of my bones, flesh of my flesh. She was to be his helpmate, a suitable helper in life because no animal could fulfill his needs. He was quite pleased with her and they became one flesh. But, when she was tempted, she became an influence for evil and took him down a wrong path. She helped him sin. Now here they are naked and afraid, sinful and cursed.

I am not sure why this verse is placed here. It seem to be in the middle of a transition, from the garden to the outside world. We know things have changed, altered, never to be the same. But life must go on. Just as Adam named all the animals, he named his wife, first Woman and now Eve. Life was going to continue without the ease of the garden, and Eve would become the mother of all mankind.

Daughters, It is interesting the influence that a woman has over man. It can be for his benefit or his detriment. Either way, she does have a great influence. Even in the most repressive societies, a woman learns to have her way. God has given the man a great responsibility as the head of the home and the spiritual head as well, but that does not mean that you do not have your own great responsibility. The man succeeds or fails because of his wife.

That is a strong statement, I know, and it is not 100%, but you need to understand what a help you are to him. When your future husband fails at something he tries... will you help bury him saying, I told you that was a dumb idea. why didn't you listen to me? or will you lift him up and encourage him and give him hope. Rejoice when he rejoices, Weep when he weeps. (Ro 12:15) You are part of him.

Another responsibility you have is for the family. You must carry on the same task for them. You are to nurture and lift them. You are their helper... You may have heard someone say to or about their husband, I'm not your mother. Those women do not understand motherhood. You are not to pick up after your children. you are to train them to become adults.

Girls, become the mother of all, both for your children and for your husband. You are a great influence. Carry out the task for which you were created. This will bring great peace and satisfaction.


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Genesis 3:17 - 19, Dust to Dust

Dust to Dust

Genesis 3:19 By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken, for dust you are and to dust you will return.

God now brings Adam to judgement. In a major shift, we see God curse creation for the sin of Adam. With the serpent, he made him to forever crawl on his belly and brought everlasting turmoil between him and all mankind going forward. With Eve, he increased birthing pains and stiffened the marriage relationship. but with Adam, because he listen to his wife and not to God, the earth was going to suffer for it, thistles and thorns were going to grow from it.

Creation suffers because of the sin of Adam. Environmentalists are pushing hard today to protect the earth from man. They say we are abusing the planet, and it will soon be destroyed. Scripture states how the world will be destroyed, and it isn't global warming. But, that said, pollution and destructive practices do hurt the earth and works to destroy parts of it. The sins of man still curse the earth.

God's curse of the ground brought toil and pain. No longer were Adam and Eve to pluck the fruit from the trees of the garden which God had planted. Now Adam was going to work the ground, plant the crops and continue work by the sweat of his brow to harvest the crop, so they could survive.

Then there would come a day when Adam would physically die. God promised, for you will surely die. And he did. First and immediately it was spiritually and now God promised it would be physically as well. Dust to dust and ashes to ashes... Adam body would one day dissolve back into the earth.

K and A, When you were born you were spiritually dead. Some day you will physically die. In between that time, is your existence on earth. Grandpa was often heard saying... "I'm going to live till I die." This deep thought must be contemplated to gather its full meaning. How will you live you life? For certain, you will work by the sweat of your brow. Even if you do not farm for your food, the work you do will be hard and tiring, even when it is mental work. When the preacher stands beside your casket before your body is lowered into the ground, when he state the phrase, "dust to dust..." will your life have mattered. "Only one life twill soon be past. Only what's done for Christ will last." I don't hear this saying much anymore, but it is very Biblical. God will one day test our deeds with fire. and the junk will be burned up all the worthy stuff will be refined. Determine now to live for the Lord all your life. Singing or nursing will not pass that test of God's fire unless it is done for him. We are to affect the lives of those we meet for eternity, not just their present physical or emotional needs. Choose to make a difference in others lives for the sake of the Gospel now, for life is short and to dust you shall return.


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Genesis 3:16, Birthing Pain

Birthing Pain

Genesis 3:16 To the woman he said, "I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you."

God continues to deal out curses to those involved in the first sin of creation. First to Satan and now to the woman. There are two areas of the curse given her; child birth and marriage. I cannot say I understand the second, but let's see if God give me light.

Anyone who has given birth knows that it hurts. Anyone who has held the hand of his wife while giving birth understands it as well. We have all heard the stories of the screams and yelling and
groans that occur, but to experience it is different. Some mothers are able to take it better than others and that is a blessing. One parent hurts much greater than the other during delivery, but both suffer for the sin of Eve. Consequences always follow sin, hurting more than just the one who sinned.

Applying this to life in general, we have heard it said many times, "No pain, No gain." The wisest man in the world said it this way, "All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty." (Pr 14:23) Booker T Washington stated that, "Nothing ever comes to one, that is worth having, except as a result of hard work." If you find yourself in pain and hardship, know that it is a result which ultimately goes back to the sin committed in the garden. Does that mean we avoid pain? Well, we do try to lessen it. But the good, like children, come from experiencing pain. Because of sin, this is to be expected.

Now to the aspect of marriage... should we not expect sin to affect relationships? We all know it does. Right now at work, a co-worker is experiencing troubles in his marriage. The problem is not that his wife desires him, it is that she is trying to erase the standard that God has established, she is trying no to desire him. Because of sin, Man now rules over women, and she naturally desires him. Because this man's wife desires to void God's "new" way for life in a marriage, it brings pain and heartache. May there be no doubt that God altered life for man and his wife because of Eve's sin. I have heard that in Christian marriages the man must not rule over his wife, they must be equal. Those who say this should consider this question - Do birthing pains cease because you are a Christian?

A & K, Life has been altered because of Eve's sin. If or when you have children, it will hurt! But the blessings of life God did not cease. The joy the baby fills you with afterward is still worth the increased pain. Think also of your future marriage, for one of you it is closer than the other..., You will desire him, and he will rule you. If you try and void God's way, know that the curse of Eve's sin will create turmoil. We must work within the parameters of God's law. If you were men, it would be necessary for me to exhort you on how to "rule over" your wife. For you though, marry someone that desires to follow the Lord and his Word so you are treated as you ought to be. Rulers should be kind and loving, just as Christ is (Eph 5:25)


Monday, October 17, 2016

Genesis 3:14 & 15, Cursed are You

Cursed are You

Genesis 3:15 I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head and you will strike his heal.
God begins his to carry out his penalties for disobedience. There is no law, if there is no curse. If nothing were to happen after Adam and Eve had sinned, no consequence for wrong doing, the law God gave would be pointless.

The serpent was the first to receive the measured wrath of God. Measured, because there is a final punishment that will come at the end of time. Cursed to crawl on it belly, the serpent was demoted to the lowest rank of animals. But, more important to us, the curse declared that contention between the serpent and mankind would continue throughout the generations to come. I believe this to be both physically and spiritually. There is a natural tension between snakes and people which seems to never go away. I know I have it. Just Kill It is my motto... But more importantly there is a tension set spiritually where Satan continues to strike at us and desires to paralyze or even kill our relationship with Christ. Romans 16:20 states that God will crush Satan under our foot through the power of Jesus. So, in faith, Satan has been defeated, but the struggle still continues until the last day.

Ladies, the curse of the original sin continues. Satan is real. But, you can live above the curse in Jesus. It is not that he will cease to strike, but you can be successful in crushing his head when you live in the power of the Spirit. Christ has already won the war, but you must win each battle. Live above the sin. Satan's power is limited> Keep in mind that his curse will increase, and one day he and all who follow him will be thrown into the lake of burning sulfur. The enmity will cease forever!


Sunday, October 16, 2016

Genesis 3:12 & 13, No Excuses

No Excuses

Genesis 3:12 The man said, " The woman you put here with me - she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it."

Here it comes, just like the boy and the proverbial cookie jar, Adam first hides then begins to make excuses why he had to disobey. Oddly, he choses to blame God for his choice to sin... If it wasn't for you putting this woman here with me, I wouldn't have sinned. It's your fault! Then he blamed the woman... If she just wouldn't have taken the fruit from the tree and given it to me, I never would have taken any. That woman, she's no good!

Then, God approaches Eve to hear her story. Remember, God, the all powerful, all seeing, all knowing God, knows the truth in the matter. He, like wise a parent, questions his children and allows them to consider their actions and gives an opportunity to "fess up" and admit their wrong doing. But like Adam, Eve makes excuses and blames someone else. That sly ole serpent he tricked me. He knew I knew my weak spot, and he conned me into taking some. He duped me. It's all his fault. Who created him anyway (she didn't say this last one)?

God knew their heart. He saw when the eyes of each glistened with desire. Their spirit was yearning to be like him, and he was saddened. Now as he was questioning them, they begin to make excuses, and they were lying to him.

K & A, never lie. God knows. Fess up, tell the truth, and admit your sin against the Lord. Meet him at the gate to the garden. Desire to renew the relationship instead of shifting blame on someone else. In Ezekiel, God said that if you are righteous and begin to live in sin, you will die (Ez 18:24). But if you confess your sin he is faithful and just to forgive your sin and purify you from all unrighteousness (1 Jn 1:9). Daughters, excuses are for the sinner. Confession is for those desiring to be righteous. When you do wrong, renew your heart before the Lord and make no excuses.


Saturday, October 15, 2016

Genesis 3:11, I Commanded You

I Commanded You

Genesis 3:11,  And He said, "Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?"

How It Could Be
How It Still Can Be in Your Heart

Why did God ask Adam? First, he wanted to know where he is, and now, he want to know what he has done. Of course, God knew all about Adam and Eve's shenanigans. He was not absent when Satan convinced Eve to disobey and do what she knew was wrong. He saw them when guilt and shame entered their hearts and they experienced sin for the first time. He was there as the tried to sew the fig leaves but failed to cover their guilt. God knew they had failed to do as he commanded.

A and K, make no mistake. God knows all about you. You can fool your father and mother. You can trick them into believing you are telling the truth. You can hide the wrongs you do, but God always knows. If you ever wonder why it is hard to do as he commands, and really I hope you never experience that, but when you do realize that Adam, even though perfect, failed when there was just one command, just one. It is the nature of man to be like God and go their own way. But, do never use this as an excuse, for just as Adam failed only one command, that one command brought death. How many commands do you fail to keep and think , well it's only two or three I don't keep?

Jesus said, "If you love me, keep my commandments." (Jn 14:15) If you follow Christ's commands, he says God will love you (vs 21). God's full love is not guaranteed. Christ says you must love him to be loved fully. (This is rarely taught today, but there are other scriptures that confirm Christ's word found here.) Ladies,  Love the Lord you God with all your heart and all your soul and all you mind. And, love your neighbor as yourself (Mark 12:30 & 31). Keep what he has commanded you and you will live. This is possible when you live in the power of the Spirit and not in your own strength. Remember, when Christ returns, you want to meet him in the air not be hiding in the bushes.


Friday, October 14, 2016

Genesis 3:10, So I Hid

So I Hid

Genesis 3:10 He answered, "I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.

Yesterday, I said we would discuss forgiveness and cleansing from sin but that is for another day. I want to parse this a little closer.

What makes a person hide? Unless they are playing a game... it is fear. How did Adam know God would be upset? Why was he afraid? He was never afraid before. He never knew fear or hatred. Sin brought about separation and shame. It caused fear and hatred, a natural response when evil abounds. When Adam and Eve failed to obey,they felt dirty, unclean, and naked. So, when God showed up, they could not face him. Their nakedness would be seen, and he would know what they had done. Adam and Eve feared what he would do, so they hid among the trees.

Fear drives one to hide, possibly to cower in a corner to keep from being seen. Evil causes this. If someone breaks into your home, it is natural to hide. Evil which we commit will cause fear as well, and we will hide. Take the proverbial child, he (only sons do this, never daughters) takes the cookie out of the cookie jar. When caught... he hides the cookie behind his back. With cookie crumbs all over his face, he denies it. When he knows he is caught he fears the punishment he that is coming.

K and A, are there things in your life you are hiding? Do you fear someone may find out? Moses told the people of Rueben and Gad that if they failed to obey, "Be sure your sin will find you out." I have found this out to be true. Sin causes fear, fear causes us to hide, and we feel vulnerable and try to cover it up by lying. You see, one sin usually causes another, and the snowball starts rolling. Although painful at the time, confession brings the peace you lack when fear sets in. Be reconciled to (make things right before) God and those you have sinned against. Do not allow yourself to become numb to the sting of sin, for God will allow you to go your own way if you choose. It is best not to sin and never feel the sting. Then, you will never need to hide.


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Genesis 3:7, Open Eyes

Open Eyes

Genesis 3:7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized them were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.

Adam and Eve were both naked and felt no shame... until they understood good and evil. God had created all things good, but the serpent introduced Eve to sin, then she introduced it to Adam, and evil began to rule in the hearts of man. Now good and evil became know just as Satan had promised Eve. He said her eyes would be opened, but she was not better off because of it. They not only knew evil in their minds, they knew it in their hearts. They felt it, and it brought the shame they had never known.

Sin brings shame. Maybe not at first, but it does come. Some have experienced shame so often, they push it to the side and begin to glory in it. Their consciences are no longer pricked. Notice what
happened when Adam and Eve realized their nakedness... they tried to cover themselves. There is a good lesson here on the need for proper clothing, we'll talk about that when we cover vs 21... the lesson here is about trying to get rid of the shame when our eyes have been opened.

Ladies, sin abounds today. Throughout the ages, sin has been rampant. Although I have not studied it... I believe the great depression was God's judgement on the Roaring Twenties where sins and degradation ruled in the hearts of men. I also believe the attack on 9-11 was a judgement by God. It makes one wonder what is coming next, because after the towers went down people turned inward and rallied around the United States instead of gathering around the altar of God.

Daughters, when God opens your eyes to your sin, you must not turn inward and try to cover it on your own strength. That is what Adam and Eve did. They attempted to get rid of their shame by covering it up with fig leaves. In their own strength, they used human wisdom to ease the pain of their guilt. But, God saw through it as he does when we try to cover it today. You cannot fool God. Tomorrow, we will discuss how to get rid of the guilt. Today, it is my prayer that God opens your eyes to the sin of the world and you choose not to take part in it. If Eve would have only known the consequences that would come, maybe she would not have taken some of the fruit. Keep open eyes, see the ugliness caused by sin, and determine to know only good not evil.


Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Genesis 3:6b, She Gave Some

She Gave Some

Genesis 3:6b She also gave some to her husband , who was with her, and he ate it.

Since I write these posts for you, my daughters, one must remember that what I write is not written for men or for the general public. They are written to help ground you in the faith and to strengthen your reliance on God. They are written so you might desire to take the "road less travelled" (that is the title of a book - which of course, I never read :), a higher road than most Christians are willing to take. That said, my review of today's scripture is one sided against and for Eve.

After Eve was deceived and desired to eat from the forbidden tree and to be like God, she convinced her husband to eat it as well. Note from yesterday's scripture that she didn't just take a piece of fruit from the tree, she took some. It wasn't, let me try this and see what happens. No, she took extra (and I am surmising here) took extra for Adam. She gave it to him to join her in the deception. She wanted him to experience the fruit with her, to gain the wisdom of being like God. She was experiencing feelings that were never known to mankind; the tug of temptation, the trill of a dare, the hesitancy and nervousness felt when you are about to do something you know is wrong. Apparently after nothing happened, she went to Adam. She took him some and had Adam join her in her act of disobedience. She took the one she loved and brought him down. See Adam, nothing happened. It's soooo good. Try some. Doesn't it look pleasing to the eye. I feel great. Try some. He listened to his wife and ate of the fruit.

A and K, neither of you are married. You need to be careful in your relationships with men and later with your husband. You have a great deal of sway into his decisions. Purity before marriage relies heavily on you. A guy will push you and you must say NO. Even during marriage this is true. You are created to be his helper. Never underestimate the influence you possess. He will succeed in proportion to your willingness to help him. He will fail in the same way. This is true on daily issues, but so true and more importantly true on spiritual ones. His growth as a spiritual leader in the home and with your children is determined on how you carry out you role as wife and mother. Learn when to say NO. but learn to love and encourage him in his role. Don't take him down. When you give him something, give him something good!


Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Genesis 3:6a, She Took Some

She Took Some

Genesis 3:6a When the woman saw the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. ...

We discussed yesterday that not everything that is good is good for us. Possibly, it is never to be ours, or it may not be the right time for us to partake of it. Adam and Eve were not to have the wisdom of knowing right and wrong, good and evil. God was limiting them. But, through the conniving persuasion of the serpent, Eve was convinced she needed to know. She knew God said no, but she knew better than God. It was something good and she should have it, she must have thought.

It did have an appeal in three area of her being. Some say there are three parts to man: body, mind, and Spirit. Let's see how Satan tempted Eve. Body - good for food, Mind - pleasing to the eye, Spirit - wisdom, remember Satan said she would be like God, knowing good from evil.

Girls, Satan will tempt you in many ways. But you will find that he will tempt you in any vulnerable are of your life. If your mind is weak, he may attack your intellect and convince you God does not exist. He may attack your health to get you to trust man more than the Lord. He may attack your desire to be your own person and so be your own god. You determine what is right in your own eyes.

Daughters, from the beginning, Satan has been lying to us. He wants you to take some of his fruit. He knows better God what is good for you... But you can overcome his sly trickery by submitting to the one who himself overcame all sin. Take some of the Fruit of the Spirit and live above temptation.


Monday, October 10, 2016

Genesis 3:4 & 5, Opened Eyes

Opened Eyes

Genesis 3:5 For God know that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.

"God will not withhold anything good from you." That is a popular saying to tell people life will always be wonderful, because God is for them; just believe. I have also heard, "If it is good, God would want me to have it." People say this because they covet something and will use God's name to get it. Satan first questioned Eve's understanding of what God expects. Now, he begins a lie purporting God would certainly want the best for her.

Not everything that is good, is good for us, or good for us at this particular time. Ecclesiastes say that there is a time for everything... now may not be the time. I would not have wanted to go through surgery without drugs, but we all know that used at the wrong time or mixed with another, drugs kill!

A and K, God has set limits. Intimate, personal acts of eros are meant for marriage. That kind of love is good, but God puts confines on it use. When done at the wrong time, it brings heartache and emptiness for years to come, but done within God's parameters, it brings joy and fulfillment, completeness. There are many area of life this is true, some minor (sweets, too many make you fat) others major (driving fast, 80 mph through Virginia may be okay, but through Ickesburg, it can be deadly).

Ladies, follow the scriptures. Fornication doesn't just leave you empty, it is a sin worthy of death! In areas where it is unclear which way is right... James says to ask for wisdom. That is something the Spirit can give, or he can confirm the wisdom godly people give to you. It first takes a desire to please God. Do you care what God thinks? Do you believe sinning sends you to the Lake of Fire for the Christian as well as the unbeliever? This I am learning: Do not go ahead with a major decision saying God didn't say it was wrong to do... wait until you hear him say it is right to do it. I can see areas in my life where I wish I would have had that wisdom to rely on. Don't be fooled by Satan into believing that it is good, so you should have it... Wait for God to open your eyes to the good he has for you.


Saturday, October 8, 2016

Genesis 3:2 & 3, But God Did Say

But God Did Say

Genesis 3:3  "But God did say, 'You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will surely die.'"

Eve knew what God had said. The Devil questioned her understanding, and she knew what she was to do and what she was not to do. Not only was she not to eat the fruit, was not to even touch it!

K and A, you know the limits God has set. He says, "No Lying (Lev 19:11), No Sex Outside of Marriage (Gal 5:19 KJV), Respect Boundaries (Prov 22:28), Do Not Carelessly Use God's Name (Duet 5:11), and many more. But, what we also see here in this verse is a very practical pattern set up by God in dealing with sin. If we play around the edges of sin, we get caught. Don't just not eat it, don't even touch it! In the NT, Jesus says its murder to even hate your brother. He also say it is adultery if you lust after the person, to desire sex with them.

Ladies, what are you doing in you thought life and in your relationships, present or future? There is a saying "If you play with fire, you get burnt." I found that to be true, I've played in the fire, ouch! Many people give Satan little to do, because they tempt themselves by cozying up to sin. Daughters, you know what God says in many areas... Stay far from sin. You'll never have regrets.


Thursday, October 6, 2016

Genesis 3:1, Did God Really Say

Did God Really Say

Genesis 3:1 Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord had made. He said to the woman, "Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?"

Satan is not only crafty, he is more crafty than all the others. It makes you wonder about the craftiness of the rest of creation, but there is no evidence of their craftiness nor if their craftiness was bad. But, we do know that the serpent is evil for he tries to see whom he can devour (1 Pet 5:8). He challenges us with rhetorical questions which work to minimize God and his wisdom.

A and K, Do you ever question God's wisdom? It is okay to ask God why, but know for certain that if he said it, he means it. Also know that he doesn't change his mind over time. Many think that parts of the Bible are not relevant for today. Satan is asking them to doubt God's wisdom. "Certainly that was a cultural thing, God would want that for today," they say to themselves. Do not allow the Serpent to trick you, daughters. When you know what God says, don't be tricked. Live it out.


Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Genesis 2:23 - 25, No Shame

No Shame

Genesis 2:25 The man and his wife were naked, and they felt no shame.

We have each seen pictures of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden in setting where the foliage is strategically placed in order to conceal the private areas of their bodies. This is good since nakedness is shameful. You might say, "That is crazy." Because of sin, shame and evil thoughts exist. Today's society wants to project nakedness as good and healthy. There is a GoTopless day where people march to promote a woman's right to go around shirtless like men. Nude beaches are becoming popular destination spots. Movies and TV programs are full of sex scenes and strategic nudity. Even clothing shows more and more skin and puts the underclothes on the outside. They want us to feel no shame, and the sad thing is, the more we accustom ourselves to sin, the less our conscience is piqued. But God does not change! Remember, God clothed Adam and Eve after they had sinned.

So where can we find the joy of the physical body?
Wasn't all of creation good, very good when he made man? The body is to be enjoyed within the confines if marriage. Verse 24 states that man will "unite [with] his wife, and they shall become one flesh. They are to enjoy each other both visually and physically.

K and A, know that God has someone for you to be united to. Keep your body for him. Pornography is becoming more common among women and expected for men. Many TV programs and movies are soft porn working to entice the believer and push unmarried couples into accepting sin as normal. It tears at the lifeblood of marriages and destroys godly oneness. For nakedness to be holy, keep it within the confines of marriage. Make sure the man God has for you does the same, or you will experience many heartaches, and possible unfaithfulness and divorce. Wait to be united in heart and mind and body, and keep it that way after you are married, then you will feel no shame.


Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Genesis 2:21 - 22, Delivered by God

Delivered by God

Genesis 2:22 Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.

Woman was not created independent of man. She was made for a purpose and given to the man for that purpose. Man was alone and needed someone to help him serve the Lord in the garden. Animals were brought to him to fulfill his yearning, but none were suitable. So, God created woman to fulfill his need. She was part of him, yet existed separate from him. She was perfect for him.

Daughters, even though this could be directed to your brothers, you can still learn from it. Too often, we allow our culture to determine how we live and make decisions. This is true with finding a wife. The dating scene has become, if not always been, an opportunity for sin to abound. Most teens fall in and out of love experimenting in sexual encounters. They leave behind part of themselves with each of those encounters.

The small part of society that stays chaste before marriage often gives little thought to who they want to marry before they get attached. The guy woos the girl giving her a false pretense of who he is and never learns who she really is until after marriage. After marriage the real person comes out and because there is no real commitment, the marriage fails. Then the man goes out again hunting for that 2nd perfect person following the same method. I am so happy God brought your mother to me and that I did not "try out" others before her.

Girls, one of you will soon be married and the other is keeping her eye open. Allow God to bring you to the his man for you. Pray to that end. A, desire God's man for you. Be confidant that he will lead you to him. K, continue verify that the one you have agreed to marry is God's man for you. May his love and commitment for God and for you be confirmed daily as that day approaches. All too often God is left out of our decisions. This choice is so important for a life of service to God. Allow Him to deliver you to the man He chooses


Monday, October 3, 2016

Genesis 2:18 - 20, No Suitable Helper

No Suitable Helper

Genesis 2:20 But for Adam no suitable helper was found.

Interestingly, creation was a subject on Facebook this morning. There were comments when someone said that all of creation have spirits, so we need to treat everything with respect... I have written before that this belief is not scripturally sound. Animals and certainly plants do not have souls. God made us different. He brought the animals to Adam, so he could find a suitable helper to be with him in the garden. None could be found!

Daughters, this thought puts animals at a different level. K, I know you love animals, and they have brought you much joy. You can love them, and they love you back. Certain pets even caress themselves on you... Some pets seem to be like their owners, and sometimes the owner becomes like the pet. But all in all a pet is inadequate. God knew man needed something more. God had one more final, special creation left...


Sunday, October 2, 2016

Genesis 2:16 & 17, God Commanded

God Commanded

Genesis 2:16 & 17 And the Lord God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you are not to eat from the tree if the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will die."

There is a story (the I am just making up but I have seen it true) that a father never taught his children right from wrong, but when they did something wrong, he would severely punish them through beatings. They became battered and would cower in the corner when they heard their father coming. As they became older, the children turned into recluses always fearing they would do wrong and suffer for it. Truly this father was cruel. No one would like a father like him.

This is not God our father! From the beginning of creation he told his children what he expects, so when punishment comes, they knew why. We as Christians must read God's Word to understand what God desires from us. Reading the Old Testament in light of the New is necessary, but we must not forsake the instructions and examples of the Old Testament for Paul says the law taught him right from wrong (Ro. 7:7).

K and A, today's church cringes when someone says to follow the rules or that it is necessary to do this or that to please God. "Just love him and others," they say. But you will not know how to love God or your neighbor, if you do not read his commands written in his Word. Daughters, remember the Garden of Eden would still exist if Adam and his descendants would have followed as God commanded. Yet hope is real, because Jesus promises that we can now attain what was promised to them through him, everlasting life! Choose the tree of life!
