Thursday, October 13, 2016

Genesis 3:7, Open Eyes

Open Eyes

Genesis 3:7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized them were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.

Adam and Eve were both naked and felt no shame... until they understood good and evil. God had created all things good, but the serpent introduced Eve to sin, then she introduced it to Adam, and evil began to rule in the hearts of man. Now good and evil became know just as Satan had promised Eve. He said her eyes would be opened, but she was not better off because of it. They not only knew evil in their minds, they knew it in their hearts. They felt it, and it brought the shame they had never known.

Sin brings shame. Maybe not at first, but it does come. Some have experienced shame so often, they push it to the side and begin to glory in it. Their consciences are no longer pricked. Notice what
happened when Adam and Eve realized their nakedness... they tried to cover themselves. There is a good lesson here on the need for proper clothing, we'll talk about that when we cover vs 21... the lesson here is about trying to get rid of the shame when our eyes have been opened.

Ladies, sin abounds today. Throughout the ages, sin has been rampant. Although I have not studied it... I believe the great depression was God's judgement on the Roaring Twenties where sins and degradation ruled in the hearts of men. I also believe the attack on 9-11 was a judgement by God. It makes one wonder what is coming next, because after the towers went down people turned inward and rallied around the United States instead of gathering around the altar of God.

Daughters, when God opens your eyes to your sin, you must not turn inward and try to cover it on your own strength. That is what Adam and Eve did. They attempted to get rid of their shame by covering it up with fig leaves. In their own strength, they used human wisdom to ease the pain of their guilt. But, God saw through it as he does when we try to cover it today. You cannot fool God. Tomorrow, we will discuss how to get rid of the guilt. Today, it is my prayer that God opens your eyes to the sin of the world and you choose not to take part in it. If Eve would have only known the consequences that would come, maybe she would not have taken some of the fruit. Keep open eyes, see the ugliness caused by sin, and determine to know only good not evil.


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