Monday, October 31, 2016

Genesis 4:8, Passed Down II

Passed Down II

Genesis 4:8 And Cain said to his brother Abel, Let's go out into the field." And while they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him.

Just a quick not since I must go to work early and then to my regular job at 3....

I was thinking how Sin is passed down to our children because Adam sinned. Note that Jesus was born without sin because he was not born of Adam but of the Holy Spirit and of Mary. That is why he could live a life free from sin, making him the perfect sacrifice.

Also I want you to consider that we cannot produce Christian offspring. When they are born we cannot pass down purity through birth. But that doesn't mean we cannot pass down to our children a Christian heritage. The life you live will make a difference in their lives. Don't make them figure it out on their own, teach it to them like the Word says to... along the road, when they get up when they lie down... teach it to them all the time. A and K, as a mother you will be responsible to teach Jesus to your children. Pass down your love for Christ and show them how to live it!


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