Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Genesis 3:6a, She Took Some

She Took Some

Genesis 3:6a When the woman saw the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. ...

We discussed yesterday that not everything that is good is good for us. Possibly, it is never to be ours, or it may not be the right time for us to partake of it. Adam and Eve were not to have the wisdom of knowing right and wrong, good and evil. God was limiting them. But, through the conniving persuasion of the serpent, Eve was convinced she needed to know. She knew God said no, but she knew better than God. It was something good and she should have it, she must have thought.

It did have an appeal in three area of her being. Some say there are three parts to man: body, mind, and Spirit. Let's see how Satan tempted Eve. Body - good for food, Mind - pleasing to the eye, Spirit - wisdom, remember Satan said she would be like God, knowing good from evil.

Girls, Satan will tempt you in many ways. But you will find that he will tempt you in any vulnerable are of your life. If your mind is weak, he may attack your intellect and convince you God does not exist. He may attack your health to get you to trust man more than the Lord. He may attack your desire to be your own person and so be your own god. You determine what is right in your own eyes.

Daughters, from the beginning, Satan has been lying to us. He wants you to take some of his fruit. He knows better God what is good for you... But you can overcome his sly trickery by submitting to the one who himself overcame all sin. Take some of the Fruit of the Spirit and live above temptation.


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