Monday, October 3, 2016

Genesis 2:18 - 20, No Suitable Helper

No Suitable Helper

Genesis 2:20 But for Adam no suitable helper was found.

Interestingly, creation was a subject on Facebook this morning. There were comments when someone said that all of creation have spirits, so we need to treat everything with respect... I have written before that this belief is not scripturally sound. Animals and certainly plants do not have souls. God made us different. He brought the animals to Adam, so he could find a suitable helper to be with him in the garden. None could be found!

Daughters, this thought puts animals at a different level. K, I know you love animals, and they have brought you much joy. You can love them, and they love you back. Certain pets even caress themselves on you... Some pets seem to be like their owners, and sometimes the owner becomes like the pet. But all in all a pet is inadequate. God knew man needed something more. God had one more final, special creation left...


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